
37 lines
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declare namespace org {
namespace bukkit {
namespace event {
namespace entity {
// @ts-ignore
class EntityExplodeEvent extends org.bukkit.event.entity.EntityEvent implements org.bukkit.event.Cancellable {
constructor(what: org.bukkit.entity.Entity, location: org.bukkit.Location, blocks: any[] /*java.util.List*/, yield: number)
public isCancelled(): boolean;
public setCancelled(cancel: boolean): void;
* Returns the list of blocks that would have been removed or were removed
* from the explosion event.
public blockList(): any[] /*java.util.List*/;
* Returns the location where the explosion happened.
* <p>
* It is not possible to get this value from the Entity as the Entity no
* longer exists in the world.
public getLocation(): org.bukkit.Location;
* Returns the percentage of blocks to drop from this explosion
public getYield(): number;
* Sets the percentage of blocks to drop from this explosion
public setYield(yield: number): void;
public getHandlers(): org.bukkit.event.HandlerList;
public static getHandlerList(): org.bukkit.event.HandlerList;