ms.ployfill.initialize: "Initialization Java Nashorn ployfill. Please wait..." ms.ployfill.completed: "Java Nashorn ployfill loading completed... Cost ({time}s)!" ms.core.ioc.initialize: "Initialization MiaoScript IOC Container @ms/container. Please wait..." ms.core.ioc.completed: "MiaoScript IOC Container @ms/container loading completed({time}s)!" ms.core.initialize.detect: "Detect Compatible Server set ServerType to {type} ..." ms.core.initialize.error: "MiaoScript Engine Initialization Error: {error} ..." ms.core.package.initialize: "Initialization MiaoScript Package @ms/core @ms/{type} @ms/plugin. Please wait..." ms.core.package.completed: "MiaoScript Package @ms/core @ms/{type} @ms/plugin loading completed({time}s)!" ms.core.plugin.initialize: "Initialization MiaoScript Plugin System. Please wait..." ms.core.plugin.completed: "MiaoScript Plugin System loading completed({time}s)!" ms.core.engine.completed: "MiaoScript ScriptEngine loading completed... Done({time}s)!" ms.core.engine.disable: "Disable MiaoScript Engine..." ms.core.engine.disable.abnormal: "abnormal Initialization MiaoScript Engine. Skip disable step..." ms.api.event.resource.not.found: "Can't Mapping Event Because not found Resources {resource}!" ms.api.event.empty.event.dir: "base event dir is empty, can't map event name !" ms.api.event.mapping: "Mapping Event [{canonicalName}] => {simpleName}" ms.api.event.not.found: "§6Plugin §b{name} §6register {event} error. event not found!" ms.api.event.execute.slow: "§cWARN! §6Plugin §b{name} §6execute §d{event} §6evnet §ccost §4{cost}ms !" ms.api.event.execute.error: "§6Plugin §b{name} §6execute §d{event} §6event error §4{ex}" "Plugin name can't be empty!" ms.api.event.register: "[{name}] register event {event}" ms.api.event.unregister: "[{name}] unregister event {event}" ms.api.command.register.input.error: "CommandExec Must be a function... Input: {exec}" ms.api.command.register: "[{plugin}] register command {name}({cmd})..." ms.api.command.unregister: "[{plugin}] unregister command {name}..." ms.api.command.execute.error: "§6Player {player} §6exec §b{plugin} §6Plugin Command §d{command} {args} §6error §4{ex}" "§6Player {player} §6exec §b{plugin} §6Plugin TabComplete §d{command} {args} §6error §4{ex}" ms.plugin.initialize: "Initialization MiaoScript Plugin System: Plugin: {plugin} Loader: {loader}..." "Total {count} {type} Event Mapping Complate..." ms.plugin.manager.scan: "Scanning Plugins in {folder} ..." ms.plugin.manager.initialize.error: "§6Plugin §b{name} §6initialize error §4{ex}" ms.plugin.manager.stage: "{stage} {plugin} version {version} by {author}" ms.plugin.manager.stage.exec: "[{plugin}] Exec {name} Stage {stage} When servers is {servers}..." ms.plugin.manager.stage.load: "Loading" ms.plugin.manager.stage.enable: "Enabling" ms.plugin.manager.stage.disable: "Disabling" "Auto Update Plugin {name} ..." "§4Found error plugin §b{source} §4it's not extends interfaces.Plugin, the plugin will be ignore!" "§4Found duplicate plugin §b{exists} §4and §b{source}§4. the first plugin will be ignore!" "[{plugin}] config {name}.{format} not exists. auto create from default variable..."