import { server, constants } from '@ccms/api' import { provideSingleton } from '@ccms/container'; import * as reflect from '@ccms/common/dist/reflect' const Sponge = org.spongepowered.api.Sponge; const TextSerializers = org.spongepowered.api.text.serializer.TextSerializers; const File = Java.type(""); @provideSingleton(server.Server) export class SpongeServer implements server.Server { private pluginsFolder: string; private pipeline: any; private rootLogger: any; constructor() { this.pluginsFolder = new File(base.getInstance().getClass().getProtectionDomain().getCodeSource().getLocation().getPath()).getParentFile().getCanonicalPath() this.reflect() } getPlayer(name: string) { return Sponge.getServer().getPlayer(name).orElse(null) } getVersion(): string { return `${Sponge.getPlatform().getImplementation().getName()} (${Sponge.getPlatform().getImplementation().getVersion()})` } getOnlinePlayers() { return Sponge.getServer().getOnlinePlayers() } getConsoleSender() { return Sponge.getServer().getConsole() } getService(service: string) { return Sponge.getServiceManager().provide(base.getClass(service)).orElse(null) } dispatchCommand(sender: string | any, command: string): boolean { if (typeof sender === 'string') { sender = this.getPlayer(sender) } return Sponge.getCommandManager().process(sender, command).getQueryResult() } dispatchConsoleCommand(command: string): boolean { return Sponge.getCommandManager().process(Sponge.getServer().getConsole(), command).getQueryResult() } getPluginsFolder(): string { return this.pluginsFolder; } getNativePluginManager() { return Sponge.getPluginManager() as any; } getNettyPipeline() { return this.pipeline; } getRootLogger() { return this.rootLogger; } sendJson(sender: string | any, json: string): void { if (typeof sender === "string") { sender = this.getPlayer(sender) } sender.sendMessage(TextSerializers.JSON.deserialize(json)) } private reflect() { let consoleServer = reflect.on(Sponge.getServer()).get() this.reflectPipeline(consoleServer) this.reflectRootLogger(consoleServer) } private reflectPipeline(consoleServer: any) { let connection: any; let promise: any; for (const method of constants.Reflect.Method.getServerConnection) { try { connection = reflect.on(consoleServer).call(method).get() if ('NetworkSystem') !== -1) { break; } connection = undefined; } catch (error) { } } if (!connection) { console.error("Can't found ServerConnection!"); return } for (const field of constants.Reflect.Field.listeningChannels) { try { promise = reflect.on(connection).get(field).get().get(0); if ('Promise') !== -1) { break; } promise = undefined; } catch (error) { } } if (!promise) { console.error("Can't found listeningChannels!"); return } this.pipeline = reflect.on(promise).get('channel').get().pipeline() } private reflectRootLogger(consoleServer: any) { try { this.rootLogger = reflect.on(consoleServer).get('LOGGER').get().parent } catch (error) { console.error("Can't found rootLogger!") } } }