import * as fs from "fs"; function convertJson2TypeDefiend(infile: string, outDir: string) { const file = infile.split(".json")[0]; const json = fs.readFileSync(`${inDir}/${file}.json`).toString(); const obj = JSON.parse(json); const qnas: string[] = obj.qualifiedName.split("."); let closeBuk = 0; let temp = `declare namespace ${qnas[0]} {\n`; closeBuk++; const nms = qnas.slice(1, qnas.length - 1); for (const nm of nms) { temp += `${' '.repeat(closeBuk)}namespace ${nm.replace('function', 'function$')} {\n`; closeBuk++; } let classModifier = formatClassModifier(obj.modifiers) temp += `${' '.repeat(closeBuk)}// @ts-ignore\n` temp += `${' '.repeat(closeBuk)}${classModifier}${qnas[qnas.length - 1]}` let isInterface = classModifier.includes('interface') let safeInterface = []; for (const ifs of obj.interfaces) { if (!ifs.qualifiedName.startsWith('java')) { safeInterface.push(ifs) } } if (isInterface) { if (safeInterface.length > 0) { temp += ' extends ' for (const ifs of safeInterface) { temp += ifs.qualifiedName; temp += ', ' } temp = temp.substr(0, temp.length - 2); } } else { temp += `${(obj.superclass) ? (' extends ' + (obj.superclass.qualifiedName == "" ? "object" : obj.superclass.qualifiedName)) : ''}`; if (safeInterface.length > 0) { temp += ' implements ' for (const ifs of safeInterface) { temp += ifs.qualifiedName; temp += ', ' } temp = temp.substr(0, temp.length - 2); } } temp += ' {\n' closeBuk++; for (const constructor of obj.constructors) { temp += `${formatDoc(constructor.docString, closeBuk)}${' '.repeat(closeBuk)}// @ts-ignore\n${' '.repeat(closeBuk)}constructor(${formatParameters(constructor.parameters)})\n`; } let members = []; let methods = ''; for (const method of obj.methods) { let methodModifier = isInterface ? '' : replaceModifiers(method.modifiers, classModifier.includes('abstract')) if (!whiteKey.includes( { if (members[] && methodModifier.includes('abstract')) { continue; } members[] = methodModifier; } methods += `${formatDoc(method.docString, closeBuk)}${' '.repeat(closeBuk)}// @ts-ignore\n${' '.repeat(closeBuk)}${methodModifier} ${}(${formatParameters(method.parameters)}): ${mappingType(method.returnType.type)};\n`; } let fields = ''; for (const field of obj.fields) { if (members[]) { continue; } fields += `${' '.repeat(closeBuk)}// @ts-ignore\n${' '.repeat(closeBuk)}${isInterface ? '' : replaceModifiers(field.modifiers)} ${}: ${mappingType(field.type ? field.type.type : "any")};\n`; } temp += fields + methods; for (let index = 0; index < closeBuk; index++) { temp += `${' '.repeat(closeBuk - index - 1)}}\n`; } fs.writeFileSync(`${outDir}/${file}.${suffix}`, temp); return `${file}.${suffix}`; } function formatClassModifier(modifiers: string) { let tempm = modifiers.replace('public', '').replace('static', '').replace('final', '').trim(); if (!modifiers.includes('interface')) { tempm += ' class' } return tempm.length > 0 ? (tempm + ' ') : ''; } function formatDoc(doc: string, closeBuk: number) { let middleDoc = ''; for (const line of doc.split('\n')) { if (line.trim().length != 0) { middleDoc += `${' '.repeat(closeBuk)} * ${line.trim()}\n` } } return middleDoc.length > 0 ? `${' '.repeat(closeBuk)}/**\n${middleDoc}${' '.repeat(closeBuk)} */\n` : ''; } function replaceModifiers(modifiers: string, absClass = false): string { // modifiers = modifiers.replace(' final', ' readonly'); modifiers = modifiers.split(" final")[0]; modifiers = modifiers.split(" native")[0]; modifiers = modifiers.split(" volatile")[0]; modifiers = modifiers.split(" transient")[0]; modifiers = modifiers.split(" synchronized")[0]; if (!absClass) { modifiers = modifiers.split(" abstract")[0]; } return modifiers; } function formatParameters(params: any[]) { let tempParam = ''; for (const p of params) { tempParam += `${mappingName(}: ${mappingType(p.type ? p.type.qualifiedName : 'any')}, ` } return tempParam.substr(0, tempParam.length - 2); } const nameMap = []; nameMap['function'] = 'func' nameMap['in'] = 'input' nameMap['var'] = 'variable' function mappingName(name: string) { if (whiteKey.includes(name)) { return name } let outName = nameMap[name] || name || ''; return outName; } let whiteKey = ['shift', "map", 'filter', 'values', 'valueOf', 'toString', 'length', 'includes', 'entries', 'keys', 'join', 'fill'] const typeMap = []; typeMap['int'] = 'number'; typeMap['int[]'] = 'number[]'; typeMap['int[][]'] = 'number[][]'; typeMap['byte'] = 'number'; typeMap['byte[]'] = 'number[]'; typeMap['double'] = 'number'; typeMap['double[]'] = 'number[]'; typeMap['short'] = 'number'; typeMap['short[]'] = 'number[]'; typeMap['float'] = 'number'; typeMap['float[]'] = 'number[]'; typeMap['long'] = 'number'; typeMap['long[]'] = 'number[]'; typeMap[''] = 'any'; typeMap['char'] = 'string'; typeMap['char[]'] = 'string[]'; typeMap['java.lang.String'] = "string"; // typeMap['java.util.Date'] = 'any /*java.util.Date*/' // typeMap['java.util.List'] = 'any[] /*java.util.List*/' // typeMap['java.util.Set'] = 'any[] /*java.util.Set*/' // typeMap['java.util.Collection'] = 'any[] /*java.util.Collection*/' // typeMap['java.util.Map'] = 'Map /*java.util.Map*/' // Sponge typeMap['Vectori'] = 'any /*Vector3i*/' typeMap['Vectord'] = 'any /*Vector3d*/' typeMap['Vectorf'] = 'any /*Vector3f*/' typeMap['Vector2i'] = 'any /*Vector2i*/' typeMap['Vector2d'] = 'any /*Vector2d*/' typeMap['Vector2f'] = 'any /*Vector2f*/' typeMap['Vector3i'] = 'any /*Vector3i*/' typeMap['Vector3d'] = 'any /*Vector3d*/' typeMap['Vector3f'] = 'any /*Vector3f*/' typeMap['Type'] = 'any /*Type*/' typeMap['Gson'] = 'any /*Gson*/' typeMap['Logger'] = 'any /*Logger*/' typeMap['MethodVisitor'] = 'any /*MethodVisitor*/' typeMap['ConfigurationNode'] = 'any /*ConfigurationNode*/' typeMap['TypeSerializerCollection'] = 'any /*TypeSerializerCollection*/' typeMap['Quaterniond'] = 'any /*Quaterniond*/' typeMap['Matrix2d'] = 'any /*Matrix2d*/' typeMap['Matrix3d'] = 'any /*Matrix3d*/' typeMap['Matrix4d'] = 'any /*Matrix4d*/' function mappingType(type: string): string { let outType = typeMap[type] || type || 'any'; if (outType.indexOf('.') != -1) { if (outType.startsWith('java.') || outType.startsWith('org.') || outType.startsWith('net.') || outType.startsWith('cn.')) { } else { outType = `any /*${outType}*/` } } return outType.replace('function', 'function$'); } var args = process.argv.splice(2) const suffix = 'd.ts' const inDir = `../docs/${args[0]}` const outDir = "./temp"; const files = fs.readdirSync(inDir); let index = ''; for (const file of files) { index += `/// \n`; } fs.writeFileSync(`${outDir}/index.${suffix}`, index);