import '@ms/nashorn' import { plugin, server, task, MiaoScriptConsole } from '@ms/api' import { PluginManagerImpl } from '@ms/plugin' import { XMLHttpRequest as xhr } from '@ms/ployfill' import { DefaultContainer as container, injectable, inject, ContainerInstance } from '@ms/container' let startTime = new Date().getTime(); @injectable() class MiaoScriptCore { @inject(server.Console) private Console: Console; @inject(task.TaskManager) private taskManager: task.TaskManager; @inject(plugin.PluginManager) private pluginManager: plugin.PluginManager; enable() { this.loadServerConsole(); this.loadTaskFunction(); this.loadPlugins(); console.log('MiaoScript engine loading completed... Done (' + (new Date().getTime() - startTime) / 1000 + 's)!'); return () => this.disable(); } loadServerConsole() { // @ts-ignore console = new this.Console(); XMLHttpRequest = xhr; } loadTaskFunction() { //@ts-ignore global.setTimeout = (func: Function, tick: number, async: boolean = false) => this.taskManager.create(func).later(tick).async(async).submit() //@ts-ignore global.setInterval = (func: Function, tick: number, async: boolean = false) => this.taskManager.create(func).timer(tick).async(async).submit() } loadPlugins() { this.pluginManager.scan('plugins');; this.pluginManager.load(); this.pluginManager.enable(); } disable() { this.pluginManager.disable(); } } function detectServer() { let type = 'unknow' try { Java.type("org.bukkit.Bukkit"); type = 'bukkit';`Detect Bukkit Compatible set ServerType to ${type} ...`) } catch (ex) { } try { Java.type("org.spongepowered.api.Sponge"); type = 'sponge';`Detect Sponge Compatible set ServerType to ${type} ...`) } catch (ex) { } try { Java.type("net.md_5.bungee.api.ProxyServer"); type = 'bungee';`Detect Sponge Compatible set ServerType to ${type} ...`) } catch (ex) { } if (type === 'unknow') { throw Error('Unknow Server Type...') } return type; } function init() {'Initialization MiaoScript Core Package @ms/core. Please wait...') container.bind(ContainerInstance).toConstantValue(container); container.bind(plugin.PluginInstance).toConstantValue(base.getInstance()); let type = detectServer(); require(`@ms/${type}`); container.bind(plugin.PluginManager).to(PluginManagerImpl).inSingletonScope(); container.bind(MiaoScriptCore).to(MiaoScriptCore).inSingletonScope(); console.log(`Initialization MiaoScript Sub Package @ms/${type} loading completed... cost (${(new Date().getTime() - startTime) / 1000}s)!`); } init(); export default container.get(MiaoScriptCore).enable();