import * as yaml from 'js-yaml' import * as fs from '@ccms/common/dist/fs' import { plugin } from '@ccms/api' import { provideSingleton } from '@ccms/container' import { interfaces } from './interfaces' import { getPluginConfigMetadata } from './utils' export interface PluginConfigLoader { load(content: string): any dump(variable: any): string } export class YamlPluginConfig implements PluginConfigLoader { load(content: string) { return yaml.load(content) } dump(variable: any): string { return yaml.dump(variable, { skipInvalid: true, lineWidth: 120 }) } } export class JsonPluginConfig implements PluginConfigLoader { load(content: string) { return JSON.parse(content) } dump(variable: any): string { return JSON.stringify(variable, undefined, 4) } } export interface PluginConfig { /** * Save Config to File */ readonly save?: () => void /** * Reload Config from File */ readonly reload?: () => void [key: string]: any } @provideSingleton(PluginConfigManager) export class PluginConfigManager { private configLoaderMap = new Map() constructor() { this.configLoaderMap.set("json", new JsonPluginConfig()) let yaml = new YamlPluginConfig() this.configLoaderMap.set("yml", yaml) this.configLoaderMap.set("yaml", yaml) process.on('plugin.before.load', this.loadConfig.bind(this)) process.on('plugin.after.disable', this.saveConfig.bind(this)) } getConfigLoader(format: string) { if (!this.configLoaderMap.has(format)) { throw new Error(`Unsupport config format ${format} !`) } return this.configLoaderMap.get(format) } loadConfig(plugin: plugin.Plugin) { let configs = getPluginConfigMetadata(plugin) for (let [_, config] of configs) { this.loadConfig0(plugin, config) } } saveConfig(plugin: plugin.Plugin) { let configs = getPluginConfigMetadata(plugin) for (let [_, config] of configs) { config.autosave && this.saveConfig0(plugin, config) } } private defienConfigProp(plugin: plugin.Plugin, metadata: interfaces.ConfigMetadata, value: any) { Object.defineProperties(value, { 'save': { value: () => this.saveConfig0(plugin, metadata) }, 'reload': { value: () => this.loadConfig0(plugin, metadata) } }) Object.defineProperty(plugin, metadata.variable, { value }) } private loadConfig0(plugin: plugin.Plugin, metadata: interfaces.ConfigMetadata) { try { metadata.file = fs.concat(fs.file(plugin.description.loadMetadata.file).parent,, metadata.filename) let configLoader = this.getConfigLoader(metadata.format) let defaultValue = metadata.default ?? plugin[metadata.variable] let configValue = defaultValue if (!fs.exists(metadata.file)) {, configLoader.dump(defaultValue)) console.i18n("", { plugin:, name:, format: metadata.format }) } else { configValue = configLoader.load( || {} if (defaultValue) { let needSave = false for (const key of Object.keys(defaultValue)) { // 当配置文件不存在当前属性时才进行赋值 if (!, key)) { configValue[key] = defaultValue[key] needSave = true } } needSave &&, configLoader.dump(configValue)) } console.debug(`[${}] Load Config ${metadata.variable} from file ${metadata.file} =>\n${JSON.stringify(configValue, undefined, 4)}`) } this.defienConfigProp(plugin, metadata, configValue) } catch (error) { console.i18n("ms.plugin.manager.config.load.error", { plugin:, name:, format: metadata.format, error }) console.ex(error) } } private saveConfig0(plugin: plugin.Plugin, metadata: interfaces.ConfigMetadata) { try { metadata.file = fs.concat(fs.file(plugin.description.loadMetadata.file).parent,, metadata.filename) let result = this.getConfigLoader(metadata.format).dump(plugin[metadata.variable]), result) console.debug(`[${}] Save Config ${metadata.variable} to file ${metadata.file} =>\n${result}`) return true } catch (error) { console.i18n("", { plugin:, name:, format: metadata.format, error }) console.ex(error) return false } } }