feat: update plugins

Signed-off-by: MiaoWoo <admin@yumc.pw>
This commit is contained in:
MiaoWoo 2020-06-30 16:02:51 +08:00
parent bbfc70fdd6
commit b6803ed01c
3 changed files with 166 additions and 57 deletions

View File

@ -2,10 +2,10 @@
/// <reference types="@javatypes/spring-web" />
import { constants, database, plugin, web } from "@ccms/api"
import { inject, ContainerInstance, Container, JSClass } from "@ccms/container"
import { inject, ContainerInstance, Container, JSClass, postConstruct } from "@ccms/container"
import { JSPlugin, interfaces, cmd } from "@ccms/plugin"
import { DataBase, DataBaseManager } from '@ccms/database'
import { Server, Context, RequestHandler } from '@ccms/web'
import { Server, Context, RequestHandler, Controller, Get, Post, Param, Body } from '@ccms/web'
import * as fs from '@ccms/common/dist/fs'
import * as reflect from '@ccms/common/dist/reflect'
@ -65,7 +65,7 @@ export class MiaoSpring extends interfaces.Plugin {
name: 'StaticHandle',
preHandle: (ctx: Context) => {
let type = ctx.header['Accept'] || ''
let type = ctx.headers['Accept'] || ''
if (type == '*/*' || type.includes('text/css') || type.includes('text/html')) {
let filePath = fs.concat(root, 'wwwroot', (ctx.request.getRequestURI() == '/' ? 'index.html' : ctx.request.getRequestURI()))
let fileType = 'text/html;charset=utf-8'
@ -73,33 +73,25 @@ export class MiaoSpring extends interfaces.Plugin {
if (fs.exists(filePath)) {
if (filePath.endsWith('.js')) { fileType = 'application/javascript' }
if (filePath.endsWith('.css')) { fileType = 'text/css' }
// @ts-ignore
return this.ResponseEntity.ok().header('Content-Type', fileType).body(base.read(filePath))
this.webServer.registryMapping('/api/eval', (ctx: Context) => {
this.registryMapping('/api/eval', (ctx: Context) => {
try {
return { status: 200, data: this.runCode(ctx.body + ''), msg: '代码执行成功!' }
} catch (error) {
return { status: 500, data: console.stack(error, false), msg: '代码执行异常!' }
this.webServer.registryMapping('/api/plugin/list', () => {
return { status: 200, data: [...this.pluginManager.getPlugins().values()].map((plugin) => plugin.description), msg: '插件列表获取成功!' }
this.webServer.registryMapping('/api/plugin/update', (ctx: Context) => {
if (!ctx.params.name) { return { status: 400, msg: '插件名称不得为空!' } }
private registryPages() {
this.webServer.registryMapping('/api/page/list', () => {
this.registryMapping('/api/page/list', () => {
return { status: 0, data: { rows: this.mainDatabase.query('SELECT `id`, `type`, `name`, `content` FROM `pages` WHERE `deleted` = 0') } }
this.webServer.registryMapping('/api/page/get', (ctx: Context) => {
this.registryMapping('/api/page/get', (ctx: Context) => {
let name = decodeURIComponent(`${ctx.params.name}`)
let varable = undefined
if (!name) { return { status: 400, msg: '名称不能为空!' } }
@ -119,20 +111,20 @@ export class MiaoSpring extends interfaces.Plugin {
return { status: 0, data: JSON.parse(content) }
this.webServer.registryMapping('/api/page/add', (ctx: Context) => {
this.registryMapping('/api/page/add', (ctx: Context) => {
let body = ctx.body
if (typeof body.content !== "string") { body.content = JSON.stringify(body.content) }
this.mainDatabase.update("INSERT INTO `pages`(`type`, `name`, `content`) VALUES (?, ?, ?)", body.type || 1, body.name, body.content)
return { status: 0, msg: `${body.name} 新增成功!` }
this.webServer.registryMapping('/api/page/update', (ctx: Context) => {
this.registryMapping('/api/page/update', (ctx: Context) => {
if (!ctx.params.id) { return { status: 400, msg: 'ID 不能为空!' } }
const body = ctx.body
if (typeof body.content !== "string") { body.content = JSON.stringify(body.content) }
this.mainDatabase.update("UPDATE `pages` SET `name` = ?, `content` = ? WHERE id = ?", body.name, body.content, ctx.params.id)
return { status: 0, msg: `${body.name} 更新成功!` }
this.webServer.registryMapping('/api/page/delete', (ctx: Context) => {
this.registryMapping('/api/page/delete', (ctx: Context) => {
if (!ctx.params.name) { return { status: 400, msg: '页面 名称 不能为空!' } }
this.mainDatabase.update("UPDATE `pages` SET `name` = CONCAT(name, '_deleted'), deleted = 1 WHERE name = ?", ctx.params.name)
return { status: 0, msg: `${ctx.params.name} 删除成功!` }
@ -142,17 +134,17 @@ export class MiaoSpring extends interfaces.Plugin {
private configTable = "config"
private registryDatabase() {
this.webServer.registryMapping('/api/config/list', (ctx: Context) => {
this.registryMapping('/api/config/list', (ctx: Context) => {
return { status: 0, data: this.mainDatabase.query('SELECT id, name, label, url, driver, username, password FROM `' + this.configTable + '` WHERE deleted = 0 AND type = ?', ctx.params.type || 0) }
this.webServer.registryMapping('/api/config/get', (ctx: Context) => {
this.registryMapping('/api/config/get', (ctx: Context) => {
let name = ctx.params.name
if (!name) { return { status: 400, msg: '名称不能为空!' } }
let result = this.mainDatabase.query('SELECT id, name, label, url, driver, username, password FROM `' + this.configTable + '` WHERE `name` = ?', name)
if (!result.length) { return { status: 404, msg: `配置 ${name} 不存在!` } }
return { status: 0, data: result[0] }
this.webServer.registryMapping('/api/config/add', (ctx: Context) => {
this.registryMapping('/api/config/add', (ctx: Context) => {
let body = ctx.body
if (!body.name) { return { status: 400, msg: '名称不能为空!' } }
@ -161,7 +153,7 @@ export class MiaoSpring extends interfaces.Plugin {
return { status: 0, msg: `配置 ${body.name} 新增成功!` }
this.webServer.registryMapping('/api/config/update', (ctx: Context) => {
this.registryMapping('/api/config/update', (ctx: Context) => {
if (!ctx.params.id) { return { status: 400, msg: 'ID 不能为空!' } }
let body = ctx.body
@ -197,3 +189,44 @@ return eval(${JSON.stringify(code)});`)
Object.keys(this.mappings).forEach((r) => this.webServer.unregistryMapping(r))
class Plugin {
id: number
name: string
source: string
class PluginController {
private pluginManager: plugin.PluginManager
private databaseManager: DataBaseManager
private mainDB: DataBase
initialize() {
this.mainDB = this.databaseManager.getMainDatabase()
list(@Param('install') install: boolean) {
if (install) {
return { status: 200, data: [...this.pluginManager.getPlugins().values()].map((plugin) => plugin.description), msg: '插件列表获取成功!' }
} else {
return { status: 200, data: this.mainDB.query<Plugin>("SELECT name FROM plugins WHERE deleted = 0") }
deploy(@Body() info: Plugin) {
let plugin = this.mainDB.query<Plugin>("SELECT name FROM plugins WHERE name = ?", info.name)
if (plugin.length == 0) {
this.mainDB.update("INSERT INTO `plugins`(`name`, `source`) VALUES (?, ?)", info.name, info.source)
return { status: 200, msg: `插件 ${info.name} 新增成功!` }
} else {
this.mainDB.update("UPDATE `plugins` SET `source` = ? WHERE id = ?", info.source, plugin[0].id)
return { status: 200, msg: `插件 ${info.name} 更新成功!` }

View File

@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
import { constants, web } from "@ccms/api"
import { inject } from "@ccms/container"
import { plugin, interfaces } from "@ccms/plugin"
import { Controller, Get, Server, Body, Post, Cookie, Header, Param } from "@ccms/web"
@plugin({ name: 'MiaoWeb', version: '1.0.0', author: 'MiaoWoo', servers: [constants.ServerType.Spring], source: __filename })
export class MiaoWeb extends interfaces.Plugin {
private webServer: Server
enable() {
disable() {
export class TestController {
public get() {
return 'test'
public post(@Body() body: any,
@Cookie('test') testCookie,
@Header('Accept') testHeader,
@Param("name") param) {
return {

View File

@ -1,8 +1,16 @@
/// <reference types="@javatypes/spring-data-redis" />
import { constants, plugin as pluginApi, amqp, server, web } from '@ccms/api'
import { plugin, interfaces, cmd } from '@ccms/plugin'
import { AmqpAdmin, ConnectionFactoryAdapter, AmqpManager } from '@ccms/amqp'
import { inject, Autowired } from '@ccms/container'
import { Server } from '@ccms/web'
import { inject, Autowired, ContainerInstance, Container } from '@ccms/container'
import { Server, Controller, Get, Param, METADATA_KEY } from '@ccms/web'
const SearchRankingAmqpAdmin = Symbol('SearchRanking-AmqpAdmin')
const EXCHANGE_NAME = `search.ranking.${process.env.SPRING_CLOUD_CONFIG_PROFILE || 'dev'}`
const QUEUE_NAME = `search.ranking.${process.env.SPRING_CLOUD_CONFIG_PROFILE || 'dev'}`
const ROUTER_KEY = `search.ranking.${process.env.SPRING_CLOUD_CONFIG_PROFILE || 'dev'}`
@plugin({ name: SearchRanking.name, version: SearchRanking.version, author: SearchRanking.author, servers: SearchRanking.servers, source: __filename })
export class SearchRanking extends interfaces.Plugin {
@ -10,6 +18,8 @@ export class SearchRanking extends interfaces.Plugin {
public static author = 'MiaoWoo'
public static servers = [constants.ServerType.Spring]
private container: Container
private pluginManager: pluginApi.PluginManager
@ -20,17 +30,11 @@ export class SearchRanking extends interfaces.Plugin {
private webServer: Server
private mongoTemplate: any
private redisTemplate: any
private redisTemplate: org.springframework.data.redis.core.RedisTemplate<string, any>
private amqpAdmin: AmqpAdmin
private listener: org.springframework.amqp.rabbit.listener.SimpleMessageListenerContainer
private readonly exchangeName = 'search.ranking'
private readonly queueName = 'search.ranking'
private readonly routerKey = 'search.ranking'
load() {
let connection = new ConnectionFactoryAdapter({
url: 'amqp://rabbitmq.c.sixi.com:5672',
@ -42,33 +46,26 @@ export class SearchRanking extends interfaces.Plugin {
enable() {
this.webServer.registryMapping('/api/search', (ctx) => {
if (!ctx.params.keyword) { return { status: 400, msg: '查询关键词不得为空!' } }
let keyword = ctx.params.keyword + ''
let type = ctx.params.type == 'sale' ? 'sale' : 'normal'
let time = parseInt(ctx.params.time + '') || 60 * 60 * 24 * 15
return this.cacheAndSearch(keyword, type as any, time * 1000)
this.webServer.registryMapping('/api/search/ranking', (ctx) => {
if (!ctx.params.keyword || !ctx.params.shopName) { return { status: 400, msg: '查询关键词不得为空!' } }
let keyword = ctx.params.keyword + ''
let shopName = ctx.params.shopName + ''
let type = ctx.params.type == 'sale' ? 'sale' : 'normal'
let time = parseInt(ctx.params.time + '') || 60 * 60 * 24 * 15
return this.sendSearchRankingCmd(keyword, shopName, type as any, time * 1000)
this.amqpAdmin.declareQueueAndBindExchange(this.queueName, this.exchangeName, this.routerKey)
this.amqpAdmin.declareBinding(this.queueName, 'client.topic.exchange', `cmd_res.${this.routerKey}`)
this.listener = this.amqpAdmin.createContainer<string>(this.queueName, (content, message, channel) => {
this.amqpAdmin.declareQueueAndBindExchange(QUEUE_NAME, EXCHANGE_NAME, ROUTER_KEY)
this.amqpAdmin.declareBinding(QUEUE_NAME, 'client.topic.exchange', `cmd_res.${ROUTER_KEY}`)
this.listener = this.amqpAdmin.createContainer<string>(QUEUE_NAME, (content, _message, _channel) => {
let searchResult = JSON.parse(content)
if (searchResult.type == "company") {
this.redisTemplate.opsForValue().set(searchResult.reqData.cacheKey, searchResult)
this.logger.sender(this.Server.getConsoleSender(), `§6查询任务完成! §b关键词: §r${searchResult.reqData.keywords}`)
disable() {
@ -90,14 +87,55 @@ export class SearchRanking extends interfaces.Plugin {
cmdsend(sender: any, ...args: string[]) {
cmdsearch(sender: any, keyword: string, type: "sale" | "normal" = "sale", time: number) {
this.logger.sender(sender, this.cacheAndSearch(keyword, type, time)?.msg)
this.logger.sender(sender, this.container.getNamed<SearchRankingController>(METADATA_KEY.Controller, SearchRankingController.name).cacheAndSearch(keyword, type, time)?.msg)
@Controller({ path: '/api', name: SearchRankingController.name })
class SearchRankingController {
private redisTemplate: org.springframework.data.redis.core.RedisTemplate<string, any>
private amqpAdmin: AmqpAdmin
public search(
@Param({ name: 'keyword', require: true, message: '查询关键词不得为空!' }) keyword: string,
@Param("type") type: string = 'normal',
@Param('time') time: number = 60 * 60 * 24 * 15
) {
return this.cacheAndSearch(keyword, type as any, time * 1000)
private cacheAndSearch(keyword: string, type: string = "sale", time: number = 15 * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000) {
public searchRanking(
@Param({ name: 'keyword', require: true, message: '查询关键词不得为空!' }) keyword: string,
@Param("shopName") shopName: string = 'normal',
@Param("type") type: string = 'normal',
@Param('time') time: number = 60 * 60 * 24 * 15
) {
return this.sendSearchRankingCmd(keyword, shopName, type as any, time * 1000)
public searchCompany(
@Param('url') url: string
) {
this.amqpAdmin.getTemplate().convertAndSend('client.topic.exchange', 'cmd_req', {
cmd: 'scout._1688CompanyInfo',
data: {
type: 'company',
url: url,
cacheKey: 'SearchRanking:company'
resRouteSuffix: ROUTER_KEY,
target: {}
public cacheAndSearch(keyword: string, type: string = "sale", time: number = 15 * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000) {
let cacheKey = this.getCacheKey(keyword, type)
if (this.redisTemplate.hasKey(cacheKey)) {
let lastSearchTime = this.redisTemplate.opsForValue().get(cacheKey)
@ -143,7 +181,7 @@ export class SearchRanking extends interfaces.Plugin {
} : {},
cacheKey: this.getResultCacheKey(keywords, type, dateCache)
resRouteSuffix: this.routerKey,
resRouteSuffix: ROUTER_KEY,
target: {}
@ -159,11 +197,10 @@ export class SearchRanking extends interfaces.Plugin {
cacheKey: this.getResultCacheKey(keywords, type, cacheTime),
resRouteSuffix: this.routerKey,
resRouteSuffix: ROUTER_KEY,
target: {}
* +
* @param keywords
@ -175,4 +212,4 @@ export class SearchRanking extends interfaces.Plugin {
private getResultCacheKey(keywords: string, type: string, date: number) {
return `SearchRanking:${keywords}:${type}:${date}`