feat: backup miao spring plugin
Signed-off-by: MiaoWoo <admin@yumc.pw>
This commit is contained in:
@ -2,29 +2,51 @@
/// <reference types="@ccms/types/dist/typings/tomcat/index" />
/// <reference types="@ccms/types/dist/typings/spring/index" />
import { constants, database, plugin as pluginApi } from "@ccms/api"
import { inject, ContainerInstance, Container } from "@ccms/container"
import { plugin, interfaces, cmd } from "@ccms/plugin"
import { constants, database, plugin } from "@ccms/api"
import { inject, ContainerInstance, Container, JSClass } from "@ccms/container"
import { JSPlugin, interfaces, cmd } from "@ccms/plugin"
import { DataBase, DataBaseManager } from '@ccms/database'
import * as fs from '@ccms/common/dist/fs'
import * as reflect from '@ccms/common/dist/reflect'
import * as querystring from 'querystring'
const ProxyBeanName = 'webServerProxy'
type RequestHandler = (req: javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest, resp: javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse) => any
const WebProxyBeanName = 'webServerProxy'
const FilterProxyBeanName = 'webFilterProxy'
type RequestHandler = (ctx: Context) => any
interface InterceptorAdapter {
preHandle?(req: javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest, resp: javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse): { next: boolean, value?: any }
postHandle?(req: javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest, resp: javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse, result: any): void
name: string
preHandle?(ctx: Context): void
postHandle?(ctx: Context): void
@plugin({ name: 'MiaoSpring', prefix: 'MSpring', version: '1.0.1', author: 'MiaoWoo', servers: [constants.ServerType.Spring], source: __filename })
type RequestHeader = { [key: string]: string | string[] }
type RequestParams = { [key: string]: string | string[] }
interface Context {
request?: javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest
response?: javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse
header?: RequestHeader
url?: string
params?: RequestParams
body?: any
result?: any
@JSPlugin({ name: 'MiaoSpring', prefix: 'MSpring', version: '1.0.1', author: 'MiaoWoo', servers: [constants.ServerType.Bukkit], source: __filename })
export class MiaoSpring extends interfaces.Plugin {
private WebServerProxy = Java.type('pw.yumc.MiaoScript.web.WebServerProxy')
private StreamUtils = Java.type('org.springframework.util.StreamUtils')
private WebServerProxy: any
private WebFilterProxy: any
private StreamUtils = org.springframework.util.StreamUtils
private ResponseEntity = org.springframework.http.ResponseEntity
private container: Container
private context: any
private pluginManager: pluginApi.PluginManager
private pluginManager: plugin.PluginManager
private databaseManager: DataBaseManager
@ -34,9 +56,7 @@ export class MiaoSpring extends interfaces.Plugin {
private requestMapping: { [key: string]: RequestHandler } = {}
mspring(sender: any, command: string, args: string[]) {
mspring(sender: any) {
this.logger.sender(sender, "§a插件重载完成!")
@ -49,49 +69,128 @@ export class MiaoSpring extends interfaces.Plugin {
enable() {
registryWebBean() {
try { this.beanFactory.destroySingleton('webServerProxy') } catch (ex) { }
try { this.beanFactory.destroySingleton(FilterProxyBeanName); this.beanFactory.destroySingleton(WebProxyBeanName) } catch (ex) { }
var WebFilterProxyNashorn = Java.extend(this.WebFilterProxy, {
doFilter: (servletRequest: javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest, servletResponse: javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse, filterChain: javax.servlet.FilterChain) => {
console.log('WebFilterProxyNashorn', 'doFilter', servletRequest, servletResponse)
filterChain.doFilter(servletRequest, servletResponse)
this.beanFactory.registerSingleton(FilterProxyBeanName, new WebFilterProxyNashorn())
var WebServerProxyNashorn = Java.extend(this.WebServerProxy, {
process: (req: javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest, resp: javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse) => {
for (const interceptor of this.interceptors) {
if (interceptor.preHandle) {
let ctx: Context = { request: req, response: resp }
ctx.url = req.getRequestURI()
// @ts-ignore
ctx.header = { __noSuchProperty__: (name: string) => req.getHeader(name) + '' }
if (req.getQueryString()) {
ctx.url += `?${req.getQueryString()}`
ctx.params = querystring.parse(req.getQueryString())
if (req.getMethod() == "POST") {
ctx.body = this.StreamUtils.copyToString(req.getInputStream(), java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets.UTF_8)
if ((ctx.header['Content-Type'] || '').includes('application/json')) {
try {
let result = interceptor.preHandle(req, resp)
if (!result.next) { return result.value }
ctx.body = JSON.parse(ctx.body)
} catch (error) {
return error
return {
status: 500,
msg: `parse json body error: ${error}`,
path: ctx.url,
error: console.stack(error, false),
timestamp: Date.now()
let result: any
if (this.requestMapping[req.getRequestURI()]) {
try {
result = this.requestMapping[req.getRequestURI()](req, resp)
} catch (error) {
result = {
status: 500,
msg: '' + error,
path: req.getRequestURI(),
error: console.stack(error, false),
timestamp: Date.now()
} else {
result = {
status: 404,
msg: "requestMapping Not Found!",
path: req.getRequestURI(),
timestamp: Date.now()
for (const interceptor of this.interceptors) { interceptor.postHandle && interceptor.postHandle(req, resp, result) }
let result = this.process(ctx)
result?.status && resp.setStatus(result.status)
return result
this.beanFactory.registerSingleton(ProxyBeanName, new WebServerProxyNashorn())
this.beanFactory.registerSingleton(WebProxyBeanName, new WebServerProxyNashorn())
private process(ctx: Context) {
let startTime = Date.now()
for (const interceptor of this.interceptors) {
if (interceptor.preHandle) {
try {
let startTime = Date.now()
ctx.result = interceptor.preHandle(ctx)
let preHandleTime = Date.now() - startTime
if (preHandleTime > 20) {
console.debug(`[WARN] Interceptor ${interceptor.name} preHandle cost time ${preHandleTime}ms!`)
if (ctx.result) { return ctx.result }
} catch (error) {
return {
status: 500,
msg: `Interceptor ${interceptor.name} preHandle error: ${error}`,
path: ctx.url,
error: console.stack(error, false),
timestamp: Date.now()
let preHandleTime = Date.now() - startTime; startTime = Date.now()
ctx.result = this.execRequestHandle(ctx)
let execTime = Date.now() - startTime; startTime = Date.now()
for (const interceptor of this.interceptors) {
if (interceptor.postHandle) {
try {
ctx.result = interceptor.postHandle(ctx)
} catch (error) {
return {
status: 500,
msg: `Interceptor ${interceptor.name} postHandle error: ${error}`,
path: ctx.url,
error: console.stack(error, false),
timestamp: Date.now()
let postHandleTime = Date.now() - startTime
===================== MiaoSpring =====================
Request URL : ${ctx.url}
preHandle Time : ${preHandleTime}ms
exec Time : ${execTime}ms
Response Body : ${JSON.stringify(Java.asJSONCompatible(ctx.result))}
postHandle Time : ${postHandleTime}ms
Handle Time : ${preHandleTime + execTime + postHandleTime}ms
return ctx.result
private execRequestHandle(ctx: Context) {
if (!this.requestMapping[ctx.request.getRequestURI()]) {
return {
status: 404,
msg: "requestMapping Not Found!",
path: ctx.url,
timestamp: Date.now()
try {
return this.requestMapping[ctx.request.getRequestURI()](ctx)
} catch (error) {
return {
status: 500,
msg: '' + error,
path: ctx.url,
error: console.stack(error, false),
timestamp: Date.now()
registryMapping(path: string, handler: RequestHandler) {
@ -99,68 +198,150 @@ export class MiaoSpring extends interfaces.Plugin {
registryDefault() {
const foundMap = ["/node_modules/amis/sdk/sdk.js", 'https://houtai.baidu.com/v2/jssdk', "/node_modules/amis/sdk/sdk.css", 'https://houtai.baidu.com/v2/csssdk']
preHandle: (req, resp) => {
if (req.getRequestURI() == "/node_modules/amis/sdk/sdk.js") {
return {
next: false,
value: this.ResponseEntity
.header('Location', 'https://houtai.baidu.com/v2/jssdk').build()
name: 'RedirectHandle',
preHandle: (ctx: Context) => {
const index = foundMap.indexOf(ctx.request.getRequestURI())
if (index != -1) {
return this.ResponseEntity.status(org.springframework.http.HttpStatus.FOUND).header('Location', foundMap[index + 1]).build()
if (req.getRequestURI() == "/node_modules/amis/sdk/sdk.css") {
return {
next: false,
value: this.ResponseEntity
.header('Location', 'https://houtai.baidu.com/v2/csssdk').build()
let filePath = fs.concat(root, 'wwwroot', (req.getRequestURI() == '/' ? 'index.html' : req.getRequestURI()))
let fileType = 'text/html;charset=utf-8'
if (!fs.exists(filePath)) { filePath = filePath + '.html' }
if (fs.exists(filePath)) {
if (filePath.endsWith('.js')) { fileType = 'application/javascript' }
if (filePath.endsWith('.css')) { fileType = 'text/css' }
// @ts-ignore
return { next: false, value: this.ResponseEntity.ok().header('Content-Type', fileType).body(base.read(filePath)) }
return { next: true }
postHandle: (req, resp, result) => {
if (result && !result.class && result.status) { resp.setStatus(result.status) }
this.registryMapping('/api/eval', (req, resp) => {
let code = this.StreamUtils.copyToString(req.getInputStream(), java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets.UTF_8)
name: 'StaticHandle',
preHandle: (ctx: Context) => {
let type = ctx.header['Accept'] || ''
if (type == '*/*' || type.includes('text/css') || type.includes('text/html')) {
let filePath = fs.concat(root, 'wwwroot', (ctx.request.getRequestURI() == '/' ? 'index.html' : ctx.request.getRequestURI()))
let fileType = 'text/html;charset=utf-8'
if (!fs.exists(filePath)) { filePath = filePath + '.html' }
if (fs.exists(filePath)) {
if (filePath.endsWith('.js')) { fileType = 'application/javascript' }
if (filePath.endsWith('.css')) { fileType = 'text/css' }
// @ts-ignore
return this.ResponseEntity.ok().header('Content-Type', fileType).body(base.read(filePath))
this.registryMapping('/api/eval', (ctx: Context) => {
try {
return { status: 200, data: this.runCode(code), msg: '代码执行成功!' }
return { status: 200, data: this.runCode(ctx.body + ''), msg: '代码执行成功!' }
} catch (error) {
return { status: 500, data: console.stack(error, false), msg: '代码执行异常!' }
this.registryMapping('/api/plugin/list', () => {
return { status: 200, data: [...this.pluginManager.getPlugins().values()].map((plugin) => plugin.description), msg: '插件列表获取成功!' }
this.registryMapping('/api/plugin/update', (ctx: Context) => {
if (!ctx.params.name) { return { status: 400, msg: '插件名称不得为空!' } }
private registryPages() {
this.registryMapping('/api/page/list', () => {
return { status: 0, data: { rows: this.mainDatabase.query('SELECT `id`, `type`, `name`, `content` FROM `pages` WHERE `deleted` = 0') } }
this.registryMapping('/api/page/get', (ctx: Context) => {
let name = decodeURIComponent(`${ctx.params.name}`)
let varable = undefined
if (!name) { return { status: 400, msg: '名称不能为空!' } }
if (name.includes('|')) {
const temp = `${name}`.split('|')
name = temp[0]
varable = temp[1].replace(/'/ig, '"')
let result = this.mainDatabase.query<any>('SELECT content FROM `pages` WHERE name = ?', name)
if (!result.length) { return { status: 404, msg: `'页面配置 ${name} 不存在!` } }
let content = result[0].content
if (varable) {
let varObj = JSON.parse(varable)
for (const key in varObj) {
content = content.replace(new RegExp(`{{${key}}}`, 'ig'), varObj[key])
return { status: 0, data: JSON.parse(content) }
this.registryMapping('/api/page/add', (ctx: Context) => {
let body = ctx.body
if (typeof body.content !== "string") { body.content = JSON.stringify(body.content) }
this.mainDatabase.update("INSERT INTO `pages`(`type`, `name`, `content`) VALUES (?, ?, ?)", body.type || 1, body.name, body.content)
return { status: 0, msg: `${body.name} 新增成功!` }
this.registryMapping('/api/page/update', (ctx: Context) => {
if (!ctx.params.id) { return { status: 400, msg: 'ID 不能为空!' } }
const body = ctx.body
if (typeof body.content !== "string") { body.content = JSON.stringify(body.content) }
this.mainDatabase.update("UPDATE `pages` SET `name` = ?, `content` = ? WHERE id = ?", body.name, body.content, ctx.params.id)
return { status: 0, msg: `${body.name} 更新成功!` }
this.registryMapping('/api/page/delete', (ctx: Context) => {
if (!ctx.params.name) { return { status: 400, msg: '页面 名称 不能为空!' } }
this.mainDatabase.update("UPDATE `pages` SET `name` = CONCAT(name, '_deleted'), deleted = 1 WHERE name = ?", ctx.params.name)
return { status: 0, msg: `${ctx.params.name} 删除成功!` }
private configTable = "config"
private registryDatabase() {
this.registryMapping('/api/config/list', (ctx: Context) => {
return { status: 0, data: this.mainDatabase.query('SELECT id, name, label, url, driver, username, password FROM `' + this.configTable + '` WHERE deleted = 0 AND type = ?', ctx.params.type || 0) }
this.registryMapping('/api/config/get', (ctx: Context) => {
let name = ctx.params.name
if (!name) { return { status: 400, msg: '名称不能为空!' } }
let result = this.mainDatabase.query('SELECT id, name, label, url, driver, username, password FROM `' + this.configTable + '` WHERE `name` = ?', name)
if (!result.length) { return { status: 404, msg: `配置 ${name} 不存在!` } }
return { status: 0, data: result[0] }
this.registryMapping('/api/config/add', (ctx: Context) => {
let body = ctx.body
if (!body.name) { return { status: 400, msg: '名称不能为空!' } }
'INSERT INTO `' + this.configTable + '`(`type`, `name`, `label`, `url`, `driver`, `username`, `password`) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)',
ctx.params.type || 0, body.name, body.label || '', body.url, body.driver || '', body.username || '', body.password || ''
return { status: 0, msg: `配置 ${body.name} 新增成功!` }
this.registryMapping('/api/config/update', (ctx: Context) => {
if (!ctx.params.id) { return { status: 400, msg: 'ID 不能为空!' } }
let body = ctx.body
'UPDATE `' + this.configTable + '` SET `name` = ?, `label` = ?, `url` = ?, `driver` = ?, `username` = ?, `password` = ? WHERE `id` = ?',
body.name, body.label || '', body.url, body.driver || '', body.username || '', body.password || '', ctx.params.id
return { status: 0, msg: `配置 ${body.name} 更新成功!` }
private runCode(code: string) {
let tfunc = new Function('beanFactory', 'mainDatabase', `
var reflect = require('@ccms/common/dist/reflect');
var container = require('@ccms/container').DefaultContainer;
var api = require('@ccms/api');
var pluginManager = container.get(api.plugin.PluginManager);
var tempconcent = '';
function print(text) {
tempconcent += text + "\\n"
var result = eval(${JSON.stringify(code)});
return tempconcent + result
return tfunc.apply(this, [this.beanFactory, this.mainDatabase]);
let paramNames = [
let params = [
let tfunc = new Function(
`var api = require('@ccms/api');
return eval(${JSON.stringify(code)});`)
return tfunc.apply(this, params)
disable() {
Object.keys(this.requestMapping).forEach((r) => delete this.requestMapping[r])
Reference in New Issue
Block a user