
306 lines
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import { Labels, Config as CommonConfig, Ports, Options, StringMap, ObjectMap } from '../common'
export declare namespace container {
export interface ContainerState {
Status: string;
Running: boolean;
Paused: boolean;
Restarting: boolean;
OOMKilled: boolean;
Dead: boolean;
Pid: number;
ExitCode: number;
Error: string;
StartedAt: string;
FinishedAt: Date;
export interface LogConfig {
Type: string;
Config: CommonConfig;
export interface PortBindings {
export interface RestartPolicy {
Name: string;
MaximumRetryCount: number;
// WeightDevice is a structure that holds device:weight pair
export interface WeightDevice {
Path: string;
Weight: number;
// ThrottleDevice is a structure that holds device:rate_per_second pair
export interface ThrottleDevice {
Path: string;
Rate: number;
// DeviceMapping represents the device mapping between the host and the container.
export interface DeviceMapping {
PathOnHost: string;
PathInContainer: string;
CgroupPermissions: string;
// DeviceRequest represents a request for devices from a device driver.
// Used by GPU device drivers.
export interface DeviceRequest {
Driver: string // Name of device driver
Count: number // Number of devices to request (-1 = All)
DeviceIDs: string[] // List of device IDs as recognizable by the device driver
Capabilities: string[][] // An OR list of AND lists of device capabilities (e.g. "gpu")
Options: StringMap // Options to pass onto the device driver
export interface Resources {
CpuShares?: number;
Memory?: number;
NanoCpus?: number;
CgroupParent?: string;
BlkioWeight?: number;
BlkioWeightDevice?: WeightDevice[];
BlkioDeviceReadBps?: ThrottleDevice[];
BlkioDeviceWriteBps?: ThrottleDevice[];
BlkioDeviceReadIOps?: ThrottleDevice[];
BlkioDeviceWriteIOps?: ThrottleDevice[];
CpuPeriod?: number;
CpuQuota?: number;
CpuRealtimePeriod?: number;
CpuRealtimeRuntime?: number;
CpusetCpus?: string;
CpusetMems?: string;
Devices?: DeviceMapping[];
DeviceCgroupRules?: string[];
DeviceRequests: DeviceRequest[];
DiskQuota?: number;
KernelMemory?: number;
MemoryReservation?: number;
MemorySwap?: number;
MemorySwappiness?: any;
OomKillDisable?: boolean;
PidsLimit?: number;
Ulimits?: any;
CpuCount?: number;
CpuPercent?: number;
IOMaximumIOps?: number;
IOMaximumBandwidth?: number;
export interface HostConfig extends Resources {
Binds?: any;
ContainerIDFile: string;
LogConfig: LogConfig;
NetworkMode: string;
PortBindings: PortBindings;
RestartPolicy: RestartPolicy;
AutoRemove: boolean;
VolumeDriver: string;
VolumesFrom?: any;
CapAdd?: any;
CapDrop?: any;
Dns?: any;
DnsOptions?: any;
DnsSearch?: any;
ExtraHosts?: any;
GroupAdd?: any;
IpcMode: string;
Cgroup: string;
Links?: any;
OomScoreAdj: number;
PidMode: string;
Privileged: boolean;
PublishAllPorts: boolean;
ReadonlyRootfs: boolean;
SecurityOpt?: any;
UTSMode: string;
UsernsMode: string;
ShmSize: number;
Runtime: string;
ConsoleSize: number[];
Isolation: string;
Mounts: Mount[];
MaskedPaths: string[];
ReadonlyPaths: string[];
export interface Data {
LowerDir: string;
MergedDir: string;
UpperDir: string;
WorkDir: string;
export interface GraphDriver {
Data: Data;
Name: string;
export type ExposedPorts = Ports
// HealthConfig holds configuration settings for the HEALTHCHECK feature.
export interface HealthConfig {
// Test is the test to perform to check that the container is healthy.
// An empty slice means to inherit the default.
// The options are:
// {} : inherit healthcheck
// {"NONE"} : disable healthcheck
// {"CMD", args...} : exec arguments directly
// {"CMD-SHELL", command} : run command with system's default shell
Test: string[];
// Zero means to inherit. Durations are expressed as integer nanoseconds.
Interval: number; // Interval is the time to wait between checks.
Timeout: number; // Timeout is the time to wait before considering the check to have hung.
StartPeriod: number; // The start period for the container to initialize before the retries starts to count down.
// Retries is the number of consecutive failures needed to consider a container as unhealthy.
// Zero means inherit.
Retries: number;
export interface Config {
Hostname: string;
Domainname: string;
User: string;
AttachStdin: boolean;
AttachStdout: boolean;
AttachStderr: boolean;
ExposedPorts: ExposedPorts;
Tty: boolean;
OpenStdin: boolean;
StdinOnce: boolean;
Env: string[];
Cmd?: any;
Healthcheck?: HealthConfig;
ArgsEscaped: boolean;
Image: string;
Volumes?: ObjectMap;
WorkingDir: string;
Entrypoint: string[];
NetworkDisabled: boolean;
MacAddress: string;
OnBuild?: any;
Labels: Labels;
StopSignal: string;
StopTimeout: number;
Shell: string[];
export interface IPAMConfig {
IPv4Address: string;
export interface Networks {
[key: string]: Network
export interface NetworkSettings {
Bridge: string;
SandboxID: string;
HairpinMode: boolean;
LinkLocalIPv6Address: string;
LinkLocalIPv6PrefixLen: number;
Ports: Ports;
SandboxKey: string;
SecondaryIPAddresses?: any;
SecondaryIPv6Addresses?: any;
EndpointID: string;
Gateway: string;
GlobalIPv6Address: string;
GlobalIPv6PrefixLen: number;
IPAddress: string;
IPPrefixLen: number;
IPv6Gateway: string;
MacAddress: string;
Networks: Networks;
export interface ContainerJSON {
Id: string;
Created: string;
Path: string;
Args: string[];
State: ContainerState;
Image: string;
ResolvConfPath: string;
HostnamePath: string;
HostsPath: string;
LogPath: string;
Name: string;
RestartCount: number;
Driver: string;
Platform: string;
MountLabel: string;
ProcessLabel: string;
AppArmorProfile: string;
ExecIDs?: any;
HostConfig: HostConfig;
GraphDriver: GraphDriver;
Mounts: Mount[];
Config: Config;
NetworkSettings: NetworkSettings;
export interface Port {
IP: string;
PrivatePort: number;
PublicPort: number;
Type: string;
export interface Network {
IPAMConfig?: IPAMConfig;
Links?: any;
Aliases?: any;
NetworkID: string;
EndpointID: string;
Gateway: string;
IPAddress: string;
IPPrefixLen: number;
IPv6Gateway: string;
GlobalIPv6Address: string;
GlobalIPv6PrefixLen: number;
MacAddress: string;
DriverOpts?: any;
export interface SummaryNetworkSettings {
Networks: Networks;
export interface Mount {
Type: string;
Name: string;
Source: string;
Destination: string;
Driver: string;
Mode: string;
RW: boolean;
Propagation: string;
export interface Container {
Id: string;
Names: string[];
Image: string;
ImageID: string;
Command: string;
Created: number;
Ports: Port[];
Labels: Labels;
State: string;
Status: string;
HostConfig: {
NetworkMode: string;
NetworkSettings: SummaryNetworkSettings;
Mounts: Mount[];
export interface ContainerPrune {
ContainersDeleted: string[];
SpaceReclaimed: number;