# `cc-server` > 一个简易的 IOC 注入 Web 开发框架 仿照 SpringBoot 使用 TypeScript 开发 ## Usage > 当前包尚未发布到 NPM 中央仓库 > 如需使用 请自行配制 repo `https://repo.yumc.pw/repository/npm/` ### Simple Example ```TypeScript import { CcServerBoot, express } from './index' import './function/http'; // => WebServer import './function/websocket'; // => Socket.IO import { DBClient } from '@cc-server/db'; import { MongoClient } from 'mongodb'; import { MongoCollection } from '@cc-server/db-mongo'; let boot = new CcServerBoot().static('public'); MongoClient.connect("mongodb://", { useNewUrlParser: true }, (error, client) => { if (error) { console.log(error) } else { boot.container.bind(DBClient).toConstantValue(new MongoCollection(client.db("faas").collection("users"))).whenTargetNamed("users") boot.build().listen(); } }) ``` ### WebServer ```TypeScript import { DBClient } from '@cc-server/db' import { inject, named } from '@cc-server/ioc'; import { Vaild, NotBlank, NotNull, controller, requestBody, get, post, requestParam } from '@cc-server/binding' import '@cc-server/db-mongo' class ExampleModel { _id: string; @NotBlank("username must not be blank!") username: string; password: string; @NotNull() age: number; email: string; } @controller('/example') export class Controller { @inject(DBClient) @named("users") private client: DBClient @get('/') public async list(): Promise { return this.client.find({}); } @get('/:id') public async get( @requestParam('id') id: string ): Promise { return this.client.findOneById(id); } @post('/') public async create( @Vaild() @requestBody() model: ExampleModel ): Promise { return model; } @post('/:id') public async update( @requestParam('id') id: string, @Vaild() @requestBody() model: ExampleModel ): Promise { return this.client.updateById(id, model); } } ``` ### Socket.IO ```TypeScript import { lazyInjectNamed } from '@cc-server/ioc' import { controller, httpPost, requestBody } from '@cc-server/binding'; import { namespace, listener, interfaces, BroadcastMessage, io, TYPE } from '@cc-server/ws' @namespace('/', (socket: io.Socket, next: (err?: any) => void) => { console.log(socket.nsp.name, socket.id, 'before connection'); next(); }) export class Namespace extends interfaces.Namespace { private cache: { [key: string]: string } = {}; public async connection(socket: io.Socket) { console.log(this.nsp.name, socket.id, 'connection'); this.defer(socket, socket => console.log(this.nsp.name, socket.id, 'defer', this)) return `Welcome to Websocket Chat Room Now: ${Date.now()} Your ID: ${socket.id}! \r\n`; } public async disconnect(socket: io.Socket) { console.log(this.nsp.name, socket.id, 'disconnect'); } @listener('message', (socket: io.Socket, packet: io.Packet, next: (err?: any) => void) => { console.log(socket.nsp.name, socket.id, 'listener middleware', [...packet]); next(); }) public async message(socket: io.Socket, data: any) { console.log(this.nsp.name, socket.id, 'message', data) this.cache[socket.id] = (this.cache[socket.id] || '') + data; if (data == '\r' && this.cache[socket.id] !== "") { let result = new BroadcastMessage(this.cache[socket.id] + '\n') return delete this.cache[socket.id] && result; } return data; } } @controller('/websocket') export class WebSocketController { @lazyInjectNamed(TYPE.Namespace, Namespace.name) private root: Namespace; @httpPost('/') public async create( @requestBody() model: Object ): Promise { this.root.nsp.send(JSON.stringify(model)); return model; } } ```