{ "name": "cc-server-db", "version": "0.2.4", "description": "Now I’m the model of a modern major general / The venerated Virginian veteran whose men are all / Lining up, to put me up on a pedestal / Writin’ letters to relatives / Embellishin’ my elegance and eloquence / But the elephant is in the room / The truth is in ya face when ya hear the British cannons go / BOOM", "keywords": [], "author": "MiaoWoo ", "license": "ISC", "main": "dist/index.js", "publishConfig": { "registry": "https://repo.yumc.pw/repository/npm-hosted/" }, "repository": { "type": "git", "url": "git+https://github.com/502647092/cc-server-parent.git" }, "scripts": { "build": "rimraf dist && npx tsc", "test": "echo \"Error: run tests from root\" && exit 1" }, "bugs": { "url": "https://github.com/502647092/cc-server-parent/issues" }, "homepage": "https://github.com/502647092/cc-server-parent#readme", "dependencies": { "typescript": "^3.5.1" }, "devDependencies": { "rimraf": "^2.6.3" } }