feat: v0.22.0
Signed-off-by: MiaoWoo <admin@yumc.pw>
This commit is contained in:
@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
@ -50,6 +50,8 @@
§622-05-21 §afeat: 优化 框架加载逻辑;
§622-05-20 §afeat: 调整 require 主包逻辑;
§622-04-09 §afeat: 优化 引擎初始化逻辑;
§afeat: 优化 require 网络加载;
§afeat: 新增 JS 类型定义文件;
@ -204,7 +206,7 @@
@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ import java.io.File;
import java.nio.file.Paths;
public class MiaoScriptAPI {
public static final String VERSION = "0.21.2";
public static final String VERSION = "0.22.0";
private static String root;
private static String libPath;
private static ScriptEngine scriptEngine;
@ -55,7 +55,7 @@ public class MavenDependLoader {
Files.copy(connection.getInputStream(), target.toPath(), StandardCopyOption.REPLACE_EXISTING);
@ -27,7 +27,8 @@ var global = this;
logger.info("ScriptEngine: " + ScriptEngineContextHolder.getEngine().getEngine().class.name)
var future = new FutureTask(function () {
Thread.currentThread().contextClassLoader = loader
load(System.getenv("MS_NODE_CORE_POLYFILL") || 'classpath:core/polyfill.js')(root, logger)
var faster = load(System.getenv("MS_NODE_CORE_POLYFILL") || 'classpath:core/polyfill.js')(root, logger)
return faster.default ? require(System.getenv("MS_NODE_CORE_MODULE") || (global.scope + '/core')).default : false
// Async Loading MiaoScript Engine
new Thread(future, "MiaoScript thread").start()
@ -39,9 +40,11 @@ var global = this;
logger.info("Waiting MiaoScript booted...")
// await polyfill loading
// faster load core
var core = future.get()
logger.info("MiaoScript booted starting...")
global.engineDisableImpl = require(System.getenv("MS_NODE_CORE_MODULE") || (global.scope + '/core')).default || function () {
var disable = core ? core.enable() : require(System.getenv("MS_NODE_CORE_MODULE") || (global.scope + '/core')).default
global.engineDisableImpl = disable || function () {
logger.info('Error: abnormal Initialization MiaoScript Engine. Skip disable step...')
@ -60,8 +63,12 @@ var global = this;
global.debug = true
if (Files.exists(Paths.get(root, "level"))) {
global.level = base.read(Paths.get(root, "level"))
logger.info('set system level to [' + global.level + ']...')
global.ScriptEngineLoggerLevel = base.read(Paths.get(root, "level"))
logger.info('found level set ScriptEngineLoggerLevel to ' + global.ScriptEngineLoggerLevel + '.')
if (Files.exists(Paths.get(root, "channel"))) {
global.ScriptEngineChannel = base.read(Paths.get(root, "channel"))
logger.info('found channel set ScriptEngineChannel to ' + global.ScriptEngineChannel + '.')
@ -38,7 +38,7 @@
log: log,
info: log,
ex: log,
trace: global.level === "trace" ? _proxy('TRACE') : global.noop,
trace: global.ScriptEngineLoggerLevel === "trace" ? _proxy('TRACE') : global.noop,
debug: global.debug ? logger.debug ? debug : _proxy('DEBUG') : global.noop,
warn: _proxy('WARN'),
error: _proxy('ERROR')
@ -5,6 +5,9 @@
* @param {any} logger
function (root, logger) {
var System = Java.type('java.lang.System')
var Thread = Java.type('java.lang.Thread')
// Init Global Value
global.root = root
global.logger = logger
@ -21,9 +24,9 @@
// Init console and require
global.console = engineLoad(java.lang.System.getenv("MS_NODE_CORE_CONSOLE") || 'classpath:core/console.js')(logger)
console.log("Loading Engine at Thread", java.lang.Thread.currentThread().name)
global.require = engineLoad(java.lang.System.getenv("MS_NODE_CORE_REQUIRE") || 'classpath:core/require.js')(root)
require(global.scope + '/polyfill')
global.console = engineLoad(System.getenv("MS_NODE_CORE_CONSOLE") || 'classpath:core/console.js')(logger)
console.log("Loading Engine at Thread", Thread.currentThread().name)
global.require = engineLoad(System.getenv("MS_NODE_CORE_REQUIRE") || 'classpath:core/require.js')(root)
return require(global.scope + '/polyfill')
@ -54,7 +54,12 @@
var MS_NODE_PATH = System.getenv("MS_NODE_PATH") || root + separatorChar + 'node_modules'
var MS_NODE_REGISTRY = System.getenv("MS_NODE_REGISTRY") || 'https://registry.npmmirror.com'
var FALLBACK_NODE_REGISTRY = System.getenv("FALLBACK_NODE_REGISTRY") || 'https://repo.yumc.pw/repository/npm'
var MS_FALLBACK_NODE_REGISTRY = System.getenv("MS_FALLBACK_NODE_REGISTRY") || 'https://repo.yumc.pw/repository/npm'
var MS_NETWORK_READ_TIMEOUT = System.getenv("MS_NETWORK_TIMEOUT") || 45000
var MS_NETWORK_USE_CACHES = System.getenv("MS_NETWORK_USE_CACHES") || true
var CoreModules = [
"assert", "async_hooks", "Buffer", "child_process", "cluster", "crypto",
"dgram", "dns", "domain", "events", "fs", "http", "http2", "https",
@ -109,6 +114,11 @@
return file.absolutePath
function __error(message) {
return new Error(message)
* 解析模块名称为文件
* 按照下列顺序查找
@ -168,9 +178,13 @@
dir = dir !== undefined ? new File(dir, file) : new File(file)
var _package = new File(dir, 'package.json')
if (_package.exists()) {
var json = JSON.parse(base.read(_package))
if (json.main) {
return resolveAsFile(json.main, dir)
try {
var json = JSON.parse(base.read(_package))
if (json.main) {
return resolveAsFile(json.main, dir)
} catch (error) {
throw __error('resolveAsDirectory ' + dir + ' package.json error ' + error)
// if no package or package.main exists, look for index.js
@ -217,13 +231,13 @@
var filename = file.name
var lastDotIndexOf = filename.lastIndexOf('.')
if (lastDotIndexOf == -1) {
throw Error('require ' + file + ' error: module must include file ext.')
throw __error('require ' + file + ' error: module must include file ext.')
var name = filename.substring(0, lastDotIndexOf)
var ext = filename.substring(lastDotIndexOf + 1)
var loader = requireLoaders[ext]
if (!loader) {
throw Error('Unsupported module ' + filename + '. require loader not found.')
throw __error('Unsupported module ' + filename + '. require loader not found.')
console.trace('Loading module', name + '(' + id + ')', 'Optional', JSON.stringify(optional))
var module = {
@ -295,42 +309,98 @@
return module
* 获得网络链接
* @param {string} url 网址
function getConnection(url) {
var connection = new URL(url).openConnection()
return connection
* 获得网络流
* @param {string} url 网址
function getConnectionStream(url) {
var connection = getConnection(url)
return connection.getInputStream()
function splitVersionFromName(name) {
// process package name
// es6-map/implement => [es6-map/implement, undefined]
// @ccms/common/dist/reflect => [@ccms/common, undefined]
var name_arr = name.split('/')
var module_name = ''
var module_version = ''
if (name.startsWith('@')) {
var module_version_arr = name_arr[1].split('@')
module_name = name_arr[0] + '/' + module_version_arr[0]
} else {
var module_version_arr = name_arr[0].split('@')
module_name = module_version_arr[0]
// handle internal package version
if (name.startsWith(global.scope) && global.ScriptEngineChannel) {
module_version = global.ScriptEngineChannel
} else {
module_version = module_version_arr[1]
return [module_name, module_version]
* 尝试从网络下载依赖包
* @param {string} name 包名称
function download(name) {
// process package name
// es6-map/implement => es6-map
// @ccms/common/dist/reflect => @ccms/common
var name_arr = name.split('/')
var module_name = name.startsWith('@') ? name_arr[0] + '/' + name_arr[1] : name_arr[0]
var target = MS_NODE_PATH + separatorChar + module_name
var _package = new File(target, 'package.json')
if (_package.exists()) { return name }
// at windows need replace file name java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Invalid prefix or suffix
var info = fetchPackageInfo(module_name)
var latest_version = info['dist-tags']['latest']
var version = ModulesVersionLock[module_name] || latest_version
var _version = info.versions[version] || info.versions[latest_version]
var url = _version.dist.tarball
console.log('fetch node_module ' + module_name + ' version ' + version + ' waiting...')
return executor.submit(new Callable(function () {
var tis = new TarInputStream(new BufferedInputStream(new GZIPInputStream(new URL(url).openStream())))
var entry
while ((entry = tis.getNextEntry()) != null) {
var targetPath = Paths.get(target + separatorChar + entry.getName().substring(8))
var parentFile = targetPath.toFile().getParentFile()
if (!parentFile.isDirectory()) {
Files.copy(tis, targetPath, StandardCopyOption.REPLACE_EXISTING)
function download(name, optional, retry) {
var name_arr = splitVersionFromName(name)
var module_name = name_arr[0]
var module_version = name_arr[1]
try {
var target = MS_NODE_PATH + separatorChar + module_name
var _package = new File(target, 'package.json')
if (_package.exists()) { return name }
var info = fetchPackageInfo(module_name)
if (!module_version) {
// if not special version get from lock or tag
module_version = ModulesVersionLock[module_name] || info['dist-tags']['latest']
} else if (!/\d+\.\d+\.\w+/.test(module_version)) {
// maybe module_version = latest
module_version = info['dist-tags'][module_version]
return name
// default wait 45 seconds
.get(45, TimeUnit.SECONDS)
var _version = info.versions[module_version]
if (!_version) {
throw __error('fetch node_module ' + module_name + ' version ' + module_version + ' failed. can\t found tarball from versions.')
var url = _version.dist.tarball
console.log('fetch node_module ' + module_name + ' version ' + module_version + ' waiting...')
return executor.submit(new Callable(function () {
var tis = new TarInputStream(new BufferedInputStream(new GZIPInputStream(getConnectionStream(url))))
var entry
while ((entry = tis.getNextEntry()) != null) {
var targetPath = Paths.get(target + separatorChar + entry.getName().substring(8))
var parentFile = targetPath.toFile().getParentFile()
if (!parentFile.isDirectory()) {
Files.copy(tis, targetPath, StandardCopyOption.REPLACE_EXISTING)
return name
} catch (error) {
retry = retry || 1
if (retry > 3) {
throw __error('fetch node_module ' + module_name + ' version ' + module_version + ' failed. greater than 3 times stop retry.')
console.log('fetch node_module ' + module_name + ' version ' + module_version + ' failed retrying...')
return download(name, optional, ++retry)
@ -341,16 +411,19 @@
try {
content = fetchContent(MS_NODE_REGISTRY + '/' + module_name)
} catch (ex) {
console.warn('can\'t fetch package ' + module_name + ' from ' + MS_NODE_REGISTRY + ' registry. try fetch from ' + FALLBACK_NODE_REGISTRY + ' registry...')
content = fetchContent(FALLBACK_NODE_REGISTRY + '/' + module_name)
console.warn('can\'t fetch package ' + module_name + ' from ' + MS_NODE_REGISTRY + ' registry. try fetch from ' + MS_FALLBACK_NODE_REGISTRY + ' registry...')
content = fetchContent(MS_FALLBACK_NODE_REGISTRY + '/' + module_name)
return JSON.parse(content)
* 获取网络内容
* @param {string} url 网址
function fetchContent(url, timeout) {
timeout = timeout || 10
return executor.submit(new Callable(function fetchContent() {
var input = new URL(url).openStream()
var input = getConnectionStream(url)
var output = new ByteArrayOutputStream()
var buffer = new ByteArray(1024)
try {
@ -363,7 +436,7 @@
})).get(timeout, TimeUnit.SECONDS)
})).get(timeout || MS_NETWORK_READ_TIMEOUT, TimeUnit.SECONDS)
var lastModule = ''
@ -385,7 +458,7 @@
if (resolve(newName, path, optional) !== undefined) {
return newName
throw new Error("Can't load nodejs core module " + name + " . maybe later will auto replace to " + global.scope + "/nodejs/" + name + ' to compatible...')
throw __error("Can't load nodejs core module " + name + " . maybe later will auto replace to " + global.scope + "/nodejs/" + name + ' to compatible...')
return name
@ -422,10 +495,10 @@
if ((file = resolve(name, path, optional)) === undefined) {
// excloud local dir, prevent too many recursive call and cache not found module
if (optional.local || optional.recursive || notFoundModules[name]) {
throw new Error("Can't found module " + name + '(' + JSON.stringify(optional) + ') at local ' + path + ' or network!')
throw __error("Can't found module " + name + '(' + JSON.stringify(optional) + ') at local ' + path + ' or network!')
optional.recursive = true
return _require(download(name), path, optional)
return _require(download(name, optional), path, optional)
setCacheModule(file, optional)
return _requireFile(file, optional)
@ -465,7 +538,7 @@
return function __DynamicRequire__(path, optional) {
if (!path) {
throw new Error('require path can\'t be undefined or empty!')
throw __error('require path can\'t be undefined or empty!')
return _require(path, parent, __assign({
cache: true,
@ -574,14 +647,14 @@
console.info('Require module env list:')
console.info('- MS_NODE_PATH:', MS_NODE_PATH.startsWith(root) ? MS_NODE_PATH.split(root)[1] : MS_NODE_PATH)
function initCacheModuleIds() {
try {
cacheModuleIds = JSON.parse(base.read(cacheModuleIdsFile))
if (cacheModuleIds['@ccms-cache-module-root'] != MS_NODE_PATH) {
throw new Error('canonicalRoot Change ' + cacheModuleIds['@ccms-cache-module-root'] + ' to ' + MS_NODE_PATH + ' Clear Cache!')
throw __error('canonicalRoot Change ' + cacheModuleIds['@ccms-cache-module-root'] + ' to ' + MS_NODE_PATH + ' Clear Cache!')
console.log('Read cacheModuleIds from file', cacheModuleIdsFile.startsWith(root) ? cacheModuleIdsFile.split(root)[1] : cacheModuleIdsFile)
} catch (error) {
@ -594,7 +667,7 @@
function initVersionLock() {
try {
var version_lock_url = 'https://ms.yumc.pw/api/plugin/download/name/version_lock' + (global.debug ? '-debug' : '')
ModulesVersionLock = JSON.parse(fetchContent(version_lock_url, 5))
ModulesVersionLock = JSON.parse(fetchContent(version_lock_url, 5000))
try {
ModulesVersionLock = __assign(ModulesVersionLock, JSON.parse(base.read(localVersionLockFile)))
} catch (e) {
@ -616,7 +689,7 @@
registerLoader('json', compileJson)
try {
script: fetchContent('https://ms.yumc.pw/api/plugin/download/name/require_loader', 5),
script: fetchContent('https://ms.yumc.pw/api/plugin/download/name/require_loader', 5000),
name: 'core/require_loader.js'
} catch (error) {
Reference in New Issue
Block a user