package pw.yumc.MiaoBoard.scoreboard.core; import org.apache.commons.lang.Validate; import org.bukkit.ChatColor; import org.bukkit.OfflinePlayer; import org.bukkit.scoreboard.DisplaySlot; import org.bukkit.scoreboard.Objective; import org.bukkit.scoreboard.Team; import pw.yumc.MiaoBoard.misc.FakePlayer; import pw.yumc.YumCore.kit.StrKit; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.List; /** * @author 尘曲 * @since 2016年7月4日 下午4:40:21 */ public class SidebarBoardPage extends BoardPage { private static final List COLORS = Arrays.asList(ChatColor.values()); private static final int BOARD_LINE_MAX_CHARS = 16; private static final int BOARD_LINE_MAX_CHARS_SUB1 = BOARD_LINE_MAX_CHARS - 1; private static boolean newVer = true; static { try { Team.class.getDeclaredMethod("addEntry", String.class); } catch (NoSuchMethodException e) { newVer = false; } } private final Objective objective; private final List boardLines = new ArrayList<>(); private int currentSize; public SidebarBoardPage() { super(); objective = getBoard().registerNewObjective("default", "dummy"); objective.setDisplaySlot(DisplaySlot.SIDEBAR); for (int i = 0; i < COLORS.size(); i++) { final String name = COLORS.get(i) + "" + ChatColor.RESET; final Team team = getBoard().registerNewTeam("MiaoboardLine" + i); boardLines.add(new BoardLine(name, team)); } } public Objective getObjective() { return objective; } public void setTitle(String title) { objective.setDisplayName(title); } public void setValue(int line, String value) { final BoardLine boardLine = getBoardLine(line); Validate.notNull(boardLine, "Unable to find BoardLine with index of " + line + "."); objective.getScore(boardLine.getName()).setScore(line); //分割字符串为前16个和后16个 String prefix = value; String suffix = ""; if (value.length() > BOARD_LINE_MAX_CHARS) { int splitIndex = value.charAt(BOARD_LINE_MAX_CHARS_SUB1) == ChatColor.COLOR_CHAR ? BOARD_LINE_MAX_CHARS_SUB1 : BOARD_LINE_MAX_CHARS; prefix = StrKit.substring(value, 0, splitIndex); suffix = value.substring(splitIndex); // 如果过suffix开头不是颜色符号就把prefix颜色转移到suffix if (suffix.charAt(0) != ChatColor.COLOR_CHAR) { suffix = ChatColor.getLastColors(prefix) + suffix; } if (suffix.length() > BOARD_LINE_MAX_CHARS) { suffix = StrKit.substring(suffix, 0, BOARD_LINE_MAX_CHARS); } } boardLine.getTeam().setPrefix(prefix); boardLine.getTeam().setSuffix(suffix); } //all 5 [0 1 2 3 4] maxLine = 5 all 3 [0 1 2] maxLine=4 public void clear(int size) { if (size < currentSize) { for (int i = size; i < currentSize; i++) { removeLine(i + 1); } } currentSize = size; } public void removeLine(int line) { final BoardLine boardLine = getBoardLine(line); Validate.notNull(boardLine, "Unable to find BoardLine with index of " + line + "."); getBoard().resetScores(boardLine.getName()); } private BoardLine getBoardLine(int line) { return boardLines.get(line); } public void setBody(List newContents) { for (int i = 0; i < newContents.size(); i++) { setValue(newContents.size() - i, newContents.get(i)); } clear(newContents.size()); } static class BoardLine { private String name; private Team team; private OfflinePlayer player; public BoardLine(String name, Team team) { = name; = team; this.player = new FakePlayer(name); addEntry(); } public void addEntry() { if (newVer) { team.addEntry(name); } else { team.addPlayer(player); } } public String getName() { return name; } public Team getTeam() { return team; } } }