Taskeren's Internationalization

A lightweight, powerful I18n tool for Java.

## Get T18n You can get this project in Jitpack with Maven, Gradle and so on. ### Maven 1. Import the Jitpack source. ``` jitpack.io https://jitpack.io ``` 2. Add the denpendency. ``` com.github.nitu2003 T18n 1.5 ``` ### Gradle 1. Import the Jitpack source. ``` repositories { ... maven { url 'https://jitpack.io' } } ``` 2. Add the dependency. ``` dependencies { implementation 'com.github.nitu2003:T18n:1.5' } ``` ### For else [![](https://jitpack.io/v/nitu2003/T18n.svg)](https://jitpack.io/#nitu2003/T18n) ## Dev with T18n 1. Get the Language Map. ```java // from file LanguageMapBuilder.fromFile(new File("res/i18n/en_us.lang")); // from jar resource LanguageMapBuilder.fromJarResource("res/i18n/en_us.lang"); // from online content (Deprecated) LanguageMapBuilder.fromURL("https://example.com/i18n/en.lang"); ``` 2. Push it to the I18n. ```java // reset the I18n and push it T18n.set(theMap); // add the new to the old T18n.add(theMap); ``` 3. Use it in the project _en.lang_ ``` HelloToUser=Hello %s. ``` _app.java_ ```java System.out.println(I18n.format("HelloToUser", "Taskeren")); // It should be "Hello Taskeren" ```