message.common.welcome=欢迎使用! command.common.done=完成!失败! command.common.argument=参数错误! command.common.exception=错误! command.common.exception.math=数字转换错误(NumberFormatException)! command.common.unauthorized=无权执行! # '$' as new line # Yes, sir! # (command with * requires OP_PERMISSION_NODE) # /about[/bot|/help] - show this notice # /op - query if you're operator # /op* [uid] - set user as operator # /perm* [uid] [node] - get the value of the node # /perm* [uid] [node] [true/false] - set the value of the node # /console* [cmd] - to execute command as Console command.about.message=Yes, sir!$(command with * requires OP_PERMISSION_NODE)$/about[/bot|/help] - show this notice$/op - query if you're operator$/op* [uid] - set user as operator$/perm* [uid] [node] - get the value of the node$/perm* [uid] [node] [true/false] - set the value of the node$/console* [cmd] - to execute command as Console command.operator.yeap=您是管理员! command.operator.nope=您不是管理员! command.operator.change.yeap=[%s]现在是管理员了! command.operator.change.nope=[%s]现在不是管理员了! command.permission.query=[%s]的%s权限状态为%s。 command.permission.set=成功设置[%s]的%s权限状态为%s。 command.permission.unregistered=莫得这种权限,你在抓梦jio?