package kcauldron import org.gradle.api.DefaultTask import org.gradle.api.GradleException import org.gradle.api.file.ConfigurableFileCollection import org.gradle.api.tasks.* class InstallBundle extends DefaultTask { @InputFile def File serverJar @InputFiles def ConfigurableFileCollection bootstrapClasspath @Input def String bootstrapMain InstallBundle() { bootstrapClasspath = project.files() } def bootstrapClasspath(Object... args) { bootstrapClasspath.from args } @OutputDirectory def File getInstallLocation() { new File(project.buildDir, 'bundle') } @TaskAction def install() { installLocation.deleteDir() installLocation.mkdirs() new File(installLocation, "README.txt").withWriter { def String jarPath = 'libraries' << File.separator << ( as String).replace('.', File.separator) << File.separator << << File.separator << project.version << File.separator << << '-' << project.version << '.jar' it << '''KCauldron installation guide # Understanding this bundle You're reading this guide because you're using deprecated installation method If you want use easier & safer method please read about KBootstrap at # Installation and usage 1. Unpack this zip into server directory 2. Use following line to start the server: java -jar ''' it << jarPath it << ''' ... or java -jar KCauldron.jar 3. That's end, enjoy # Why I should use KBootstrap? 1. Easiest server installation 2. Built-in libraries management 3. Update & run server in one line 4. Ability to not read this boring guide 5. What else? If you are not yet convinced and want to use bundles instead KBootstrap... Meh, this is your choice. ''' } def cp = bootstrapClasspath for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) { def result = project.javaexec { it -> workingDir installLocation classpath cp main bootstrapMain args '--serverDir', installLocation.canonicalPath, '--installServer', serverJar.canonicalFile, '--binDir', 'libraries' } if (result.exitValue == 0) return } throw new GradleException("Failed to install bundle into ${installLocation}") } private static final class NopOutputStream extends OutputStream { @Override void write(byte[] b, int off, int len) throws IOException { } @Override void write(byte[] b) throws IOException { } @Override void write(int b) throws IOException { } } }