UnlimitSword: material: DIAMOND_SWORD name: '&b&nUnlimitSword' lore: - '' - '&8&oAn sword of infinitely durable' - '&8&oAnd hide attributes lore' - '' flags: - HIDE_ATTRIBUTES nbt: Unbreakable: 1 ColorLeather: material: LEATHER_CHESTPLATE name: '&aLe&2at&3he&4r C&5he&6st&7pl&8at&9e' lore: - '' - '&8&oA chestplate of colored' - '&8&oAnd enchanted with &7DURABILITY I' - '' enchants: DURABILITY: 1 color: 255-0-0 SpeedPotion: material: POTION name: '&1&nSpeed Potion' lore: - '' - '&8&oA potion of &7SPEED I' - '&8&oAnd not have Particles' - '' potions: SPEED: 200-5 KingsAxe: material: GOLD_AXE name: '&e&nKingsAxe' lore: - '' - '&6&o100 damage !!!' - '&6&o30% speed !!!' - '' - '&e&oA knife a pupil !!!' - '' attributes: mainhand: damage: 100 speed: 30%