
241 lines
8.3 KiB

package org.maxgamer.QuickShop.Config;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Set;
import org.bukkit.Bukkit;
import org.bukkit.Location;
import org.bukkit.Material;
import org.bukkit.configuration.ConfigurationSection;
import org.bukkit.inventory.ItemStack;
import org.maxgamer.QuickShop.QuickShop;
import org.maxgamer.QuickShop.Shop.Item.FakeItem_17_18;
import org.maxgamer.QuickShop.Shop.Item.FakeItem_19_111;
import pw.yumc.YumCore.bukkit.Log;
import pw.yumc.YumCore.config.FileConfig;
import pw.yumc.YumCore.tellraw.Tellraw;
public class ConfigManager {
private boolean enableMagicLib = false;
/** Whether debug info should be shown in the console */
private final boolean debug = false;
/** Whether we should use display items or not */
private boolean display = true;
private double feeForPriceChange = 0.0;
private int findDistance = 30;
private String guiTitle = "§6[§b快捷商店§6]§r";
/** Whether or not to limit players shop amounts */
private boolean limit = false;
private int limitdefault = 0;
private final HashMap<String, Integer> limits = new HashMap<>();
private boolean logAction = true;
private boolean preventhopper = false;
* Whether we players are charged a fee to change the price on their shop
* (To help deter endless undercutting
private boolean priceChangeRequiresFee = false;
private boolean shopLock = true;
private boolean showTax = false;
/** Whether players are required to sneak to create/buy from a shop */
private boolean sneak = false;
/** Whether players are required to sneak to create a shop */
private boolean sneakCreate = false;
/** Whether players are required to sneak to trade with a shop */
private boolean sneakTrade = false;
private Material superItem = Material.GOLD_AXE;
private double tax = 0;
private final String taxAccount;
private boolean fakeItem = false;
private List<String> prevent;
* A set of players who have been warned
* ("Your shop isn't automatically locked")
private Set<String> warnings = new HashSet<>();
public ConfigManager(final QuickShop plugin) {
final FileConfig config = (FileConfig) plugin.getConfig();
ConfigurationSection limitCfg = config.getConfigurationSection("limits");
if (limitCfg != null) {
this.limit = limitCfg.getBoolean("use", false);
this.limitdefault = config.getInt("limits.default");
limitCfg = limitCfg.getConfigurationSection("ranks");
for (final String key : limitCfg.getKeys(true)) {
limits.put(key, limitCfg.getInt(key));
try {
this.superItem = Material.valueOf(config.getString("superitem"));
} catch (final Exception ignored) {
this.tax = config.getDouble("tax");
this.showTax = config.getBoolean("show-tax");
this.taxAccount = config.getString("tax-account");
this.logAction = config.getBoolean("log-actions");
this.shopLock = config.getBoolean("shop.lock");
this.display = config.getBoolean("shop.display-items");
this.sneak = config.getBoolean("shop.sneak-only");
this.sneakCreate = config.getBoolean("shop.sneak-to-create");
this.sneakTrade = config.getBoolean("shop.sneak-to-trade");
this.priceChangeRequiresFee = config.getBoolean("shop.price-change-requires-fee");
this.findDistance = config.getInt("shop.find-distance");
this.feeForPriceChange = config.getDouble("shop.fee-for-price-change");
this.preventhopper = config.getBoolean("preventhopper");
this.guiTitle = config.getMessage("guititle", guiTitle);
this.warnings = Collections.emptySet();
this.prevent = config.getStringList("prevent");
if (config.getBoolean("fakeitem", true)) {
try {
plugin.getLogger().info("启用虚拟悬浮物 尝试启动中...");
new FakeItem_19_111(new Location(Bukkit.getWorlds().get(0), 0, 0, 0), new ItemStack(Material.STONE)).spawn();
fakeItem = true;
} catch (final Throwable e) {
try {
new FakeItem_17_18(new Location(Bukkit.getWorlds().get(0), 0, 0, 0), new ItemStack(Material.STONE)).spawn();
fakeItem = true;
} catch (final Throwable e2) {
plugin.getLogger().warning("| 警告: 启动虚拟物品失败 使用原版悬浮物品...");
if (Bukkit.getVersion().contains("Paper") || Bukkit.getVersion().contains("Torch")) {
Log.d("辣鸡 Paper 毁我异步命令!");
if (config.getBoolean("usemagiclib", true)) {
try {
plugin.getLogger().info("启用魔改库 尝试启动中...");
final Tellraw fm = Tellraw.create("test");
fm.then("item").item(new ItemStack(Material.DIAMOND_SWORD));
fm.then("suggest").suggest("qs help");
this.enableMagicLib = true;
} catch (final Error | Exception e) {
plugin.getLogger().warning("| 警告: 启动魔改库失败 将使用GUI商店界面...");
public double getFeeForPriceChange() {
return feeForPriceChange;
public int getFindDistance() {
return findDistance;
public String getGuiTitle() {
return guiTitle;
public int getLimitdefault() {
return limitdefault;
public HashMap<String, Integer> getLimits() {
return limits;
public Material getSuperItem() {
return superItem;
public double getTax() {
return tax;
public String getTaxAccount() {
return taxAccount;
public Set<String> getWarnings() {
return warnings;
public boolean isDebug() {
return debug;
public boolean isDisplay() {
return display;
public boolean isEnableMagicLib() {
return enableMagicLib;
public boolean isFakeItem() {
return fakeItem;
public boolean isLimit() {
return limit;
public boolean isLogAction() {
return logAction;
public boolean isPreventHopper() {
return preventhopper;
public boolean isPriceChangeRequiresFee() {
return priceChangeRequiresFee;
public boolean isShopLock() {
return shopLock;
public boolean isShowTax() {
return showTax;
public boolean isSneak() {
return sneak;
public boolean isSneakCreate() {
return sneakCreate;
public boolean isSneakTrade() {
return sneakTrade;
public void setEnableMagicLib(final boolean enableMagicLib) {
this.enableMagicLib = enableMagicLib;
public void setFakeItem(final boolean fakeItem) {
this.fakeItem = fakeItem;
public List<String> getPrevent() {
return prevent;
public void setPrevent(List<String> prevent) {
this.prevent = prevent;