package org.maxgamer.quickshop.Command; import; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Iterator; import org.bukkit.Bukkit; import org.bukkit.ChatColor; import org.bukkit.Chunk; import org.bukkit.Location; import org.bukkit.OfflinePlayer; import org.bukkit.block.Block; import org.bukkit.command.Command; import org.bukkit.command.CommandExecutor; import org.bukkit.command.CommandSender; import org.bukkit.configuration.ConfigurationSection; import org.bukkit.entity.LivingEntity; import org.bukkit.entity.Player; import org.bukkit.event.player.PlayerTeleportEvent.TeleportCause; import org.bukkit.util.BlockIterator; import org.maxgamer.quickshop.QuickShop; import org.maxgamer.quickshop.Database.Database; import org.maxgamer.quickshop.Database.MySQLCore; import org.maxgamer.quickshop.Database.SQLiteCore; import org.maxgamer.quickshop.Shop.ContainerShop; import org.maxgamer.quickshop.Shop.Shop; import org.maxgamer.quickshop.Shop.ShopType; import org.maxgamer.quickshop.Shop.ShopChunk; import org.maxgamer.quickshop.Util.MsgUtil; public class QS implements CommandExecutor { QuickShop plugin; public QS(QuickShop plugin) { this.plugin = plugin; } private void setUnlimited(CommandSender sender) { if (sender instanceof Player && sender.hasPermission("quickshop.unlimited")) { BlockIterator bIt = new BlockIterator((Player) sender, 10); while (bIt.hasNext()) { Block b =; Shop shop = plugin.getShopManager().getShop(b.getLocation()); if (shop != null) { shop.setUnlimited(!shop.isUnlimited()); shop.update(); sender.sendMessage(MsgUtil.getMessage("command.toggle-unlimited", (shop.isUnlimited() ? "unlimited" : "limited"))); return; } } sender.sendMessage(MsgUtil.getMessage("not-looking-at-shop")); return; } else { sender.sendMessage(MsgUtil.getMessage("no-permission")); return; } } private void remove(CommandSender sender, String[] args) { if (sender instanceof Player == false) { sender.sendMessage(ChatColor.RED + "Only players may use that command."); return; } if (!sender.hasPermission("quickshop.delete")) { sender.sendMessage(ChatColor.RED + "You do not have permission to use that command. Try break the shop instead?"); return; } Player p = (Player) sender; BlockIterator bIt = new BlockIterator(p, 10); while (bIt.hasNext()) { Block b =; Shop shop = plugin.getShopManager().getShop(b.getLocation()); if (shop != null) { if (shop.getOwner().equals(p.getUniqueId())) { shop.delete(); sender.sendMessage(ChatColor.GREEN + "Success. Deleted shop."); } else { p.sendMessage(ChatColor.RED + "That's not your shop!"); } return; } } p.sendMessage(ChatColor.RED + "No shop found!"); } private void export(CommandSender sender, String[] args) { if (args.length < 2) { sender.sendMessage(ChatColor.RED + "Usage: /qs export mysql|sqlite"); return; } String type = args[1].toLowerCase(); if (type.startsWith("mysql")) { if (plugin.getDB().getCore() instanceof MySQLCore) { sender.sendMessage(ChatColor.RED + "Database is already MySQL"); return; } ConfigurationSection cfg = plugin.getConfig().getConfigurationSection("database"); String host = cfg.getString("host"); String port = cfg.getString("port"); String user = cfg.getString("user"); String pass = cfg.getString("password"); String name = cfg.getString("database"); MySQLCore core = new MySQLCore(host, user, pass, name, port); Database target; try { target = new Database(core); QuickShop.instance.getDB().copyTo(target); sender.sendMessage(ChatColor.GREEN + "Success - Exported to MySQL " + user + "@" + host + "." + name); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); sender.sendMessage(ChatColor.RED + "Failed to export to MySQL " + user + "@" + host + "." + name + ChatColor.DARK_RED + " Reason: " + e.getMessage()); } return; } if (type.startsWith("sql") || type.contains("file")) { if (plugin.getDB().getCore() instanceof SQLiteCore) { sender.sendMessage(ChatColor.RED + "Database is already SQLite"); return; } File file = new File(plugin.getDataFolder(), "shops.db"); if (file.exists()) { if (file.delete() == false) { sender.sendMessage(ChatColor.RED + "Warning: Failed to delete old shops.db file. This may cause errors."); } } SQLiteCore core = new SQLiteCore(file); try { Database target = new Database(core); QuickShop.instance.getDB().copyTo(target); sender.sendMessage(ChatColor.GREEN + "Success - Exported to SQLite: " + file.toString()); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); sender.sendMessage(ChatColor.RED + "Failed to export to SQLite: " + file.toString() + " Reason: " + e.getMessage()); } return; } sender.sendMessage(ChatColor.RED + "No target given. Usage: /qs export mysql|sqlite"); } private void setOwner(CommandSender sender, String[] args) { if (sender instanceof Player && sender.hasPermission("quickshop.setowner")) { if (args.length < 2) { sender.sendMessage(MsgUtil.getMessage("")); return; } BlockIterator bIt = new BlockIterator((Player) sender, 10); while (bIt.hasNext()) { Block b =; Shop shop = plugin.getShopManager().getShop(b.getLocation()); if (shop != null) { @SuppressWarnings("deprecation") OfflinePlayer p = this.plugin.getServer().getOfflinePlayer(args[1]); shop.setOwner(p.getUniqueId()); shop.update(); sender.sendMessage(MsgUtil.getMessage("", this.plugin.getServer().getOfflinePlayer(shop.getOwner()).getName())); return; } } sender.sendMessage(MsgUtil.getMessage("not-looking-at-shop")); return; } else { sender.sendMessage(MsgUtil.getMessage("no-permission")); return; } } private void refill(CommandSender sender, String[] args) { if (sender instanceof Player && sender.hasPermission("quickshop.refill")) { if (args.length < 2) { sender.sendMessage(MsgUtil.getMessage("")); return; } int add; try { add = Integer.parseInt(args[1]); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { sender.sendMessage(MsgUtil.getMessage("thats-not-a-number")); return; } BlockIterator bIt = new BlockIterator((LivingEntity) (Player) sender, 10); while (bIt.hasNext()) { Block b =; Shop shop = plugin.getShopManager().getShop(b.getLocation()); if (shop != null) { shop.add(shop.getItem(), add); sender.sendMessage(MsgUtil.getMessage("refill-success")); return; } } sender.sendMessage(MsgUtil.getMessage("not-looking-at-shop")); return; } else { sender.sendMessage(MsgUtil.getMessage("no-permission")); return; } } private void empty(CommandSender sender, String[] args) { if (sender instanceof Player && sender.hasPermission("quickshop.refill")) { BlockIterator bIt = new BlockIterator((LivingEntity) (Player) sender, 10); while (bIt.hasNext()) { Block b =; Shop shop = plugin.getShopManager().getShop(b.getLocation()); if (shop != null) { if (shop instanceof ContainerShop) { ContainerShop cs = (ContainerShop) shop; cs.getInventory().clear(); sender.sendMessage(MsgUtil.getMessage("empty-success")); return; } else { sender.sendMessage(MsgUtil.getMessage("not-looking-at-shop")); return; } } } sender.sendMessage(MsgUtil.getMessage("not-looking-at-shop")); return; } else { sender.sendMessage(MsgUtil.getMessage("no-permission")); return; } } private void find(CommandSender sender, String[] args) { if (sender instanceof Player && sender.hasPermission("quickshop.find")) { if (args.length < 2) { sender.sendMessage(MsgUtil.getMessage("")); return; } StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(args[1]); for (int i = 2; i < args.length; i++) { sb.append(" " + args[i]); } String lookFor = sb.toString(); lookFor = lookFor.toLowerCase(); Player p = (Player) sender; Location loc = p.getEyeLocation().clone(); double minDistance = plugin.getConfig().getInt("shop.find-distance"); double minDistanceSquared = minDistance * minDistance; int chunkRadius = (int) minDistance / 16 + 1; Shop closest = null; Chunk c = loc.getChunk(); for (int x = -chunkRadius + c.getX(); x < chunkRadius + c.getX(); x++) { for (int z = -chunkRadius + c.getZ(); z < chunkRadius + c.getZ(); z++) { Chunk d = c.getWorld().getChunkAt(x, z); HashMap inChunk = plugin.getShopManager().getShops(d); if (inChunk == null) continue; for (Shop shop : inChunk.values()) { if (shop.getDataName().toLowerCase().contains(lookFor) && shop.getLocation().distanceSquared(loc) < minDistanceSquared) { closest = shop; minDistanceSquared = shop.getLocation().distanceSquared(loc); } } } } if (closest == null) { sender.sendMessage(MsgUtil.getMessage("no-nearby-shop", args[1])); return; } Location lookat = closest.getLocation().clone().add(0.5, 0.5, 0.5); // Hack fix to make /qs find not used by /back p.teleport(this.lookAt(loc, lookat).add(0, -1.62, 0), TeleportCause.UNKNOWN); p.sendMessage(MsgUtil.getMessage("nearby-shop-this-way", "" + (int) Math.floor(Math.sqrt(minDistanceSquared)))); return; } else { sender.sendMessage(MsgUtil.getMessage("no-permission")); return; } } private void setBuy(CommandSender sender) { if (sender instanceof Player && sender.hasPermission("")) { BlockIterator bIt = new BlockIterator((LivingEntity) (Player) sender, 10); while (bIt.hasNext()) { Block b =; Shop shop = plugin.getShopManager().getShop(b.getLocation()); if (shop != null && shop.getOwner().equals(((Player) sender).getUniqueId())) { shop.setShopType(ShopType.BUYING); shop.setSignText(); shop.update(); sender.sendMessage(MsgUtil.getMessage("", shop.getDataName())); return; } } sender.sendMessage(MsgUtil.getMessage("not-looking-at-shop")); return; } sender.sendMessage(MsgUtil.getMessage("no-permission")); return; } private void setSell(CommandSender sender) { if (sender instanceof Player && sender.hasPermission("quickshop.create.sell")) { BlockIterator bIt = new BlockIterator((LivingEntity) (Player) sender, 10); while (bIt.hasNext()) { Block b =; Shop shop = plugin.getShopManager().getShop(b.getLocation()); if (shop != null && shop.getOwner().equals(((Player) sender).getUniqueId())) { shop.setShopType(ShopType.SELLING); shop.setSignText(); shop.update(); sender.sendMessage(MsgUtil.getMessage("", shop.getDataName())); return; } } sender.sendMessage(MsgUtil.getMessage("not-looking-at-shop")); return; } sender.sendMessage(MsgUtil.getMessage("no-permission")); return; } @SuppressWarnings("deprecation") private void setPrice(CommandSender sender, String[] args) { if (sender instanceof Player && sender.hasPermission("quickshop.create.changeprice")) { Player p = (Player) sender; if (args.length < 2) { sender.sendMessage(MsgUtil.getMessage("no-price-given")); return; } double price; try { price = Double.parseDouble(args[1]); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { sender.sendMessage(MsgUtil.getMessage("thats-not-a-number")); return; } if (price < 0.01) { sender.sendMessage(MsgUtil.getMessage("price-too-cheap")); return; } double fee = 0; if (plugin.priceChangeRequiresFee) { fee = plugin.getConfig().getDouble("shop.fee-for-price-change"); if (fee > 0 && plugin.getEcon().getBalance(p.getUniqueId()) < fee) { sender.sendMessage(MsgUtil.getMessage("you-cant-afford-to-change-price", plugin.getEcon().format(fee))); return; } } BlockIterator bIt = new BlockIterator(p, 10); // Loop through every block they're looking at upto 10 blocks away while (bIt.hasNext()) { Block b =; Shop shop = plugin.getShopManager().getShop(b.getLocation()); if (shop != null && (shop.getOwner().equals(((Player) sender).getUniqueId()) || sender.hasPermission("quickshop.other.price"))) { if (shop.getPrice() == price) { // Stop here if there isn't a price change sender.sendMessage(MsgUtil.getMessage("no-price-change")); return; } if (fee > 0) { if (!plugin.getEcon().withdraw(p.getUniqueId(), fee)) { sender.sendMessage(MsgUtil.getMessage("you-cant-afford-to-change-price", plugin.getEcon().format(fee))); return; } sender.sendMessage(MsgUtil.getMessage("fee-charged-for-price-change", plugin.getEcon().format(fee))); plugin.getEcon().deposit(plugin.getConfig().getString("tax-account"), fee); } // Update the shop shop.setPrice(price); shop.setSignText(); shop.update(); sender.sendMessage(MsgUtil.getMessage("price-is-now", plugin.getEcon().format(shop.getPrice()))); // Chest shops can be double shops. if (shop instanceof ContainerShop) { ContainerShop cs = (ContainerShop) shop; if (cs.isDoubleShop()) { Shop nextTo = cs.getAttachedShop(); if (cs.isSelling()) { if (cs.getPrice() < nextTo.getPrice()) { sender.sendMessage(MsgUtil.getMessage("buying-more-than-selling")); } } else { // Buying if (cs.getPrice() > nextTo.getPrice()) { sender.sendMessage(MsgUtil.getMessage("buying-more-than-selling")); } } } } return; } } sender.sendMessage(MsgUtil.getMessage("not-looking-at-shop")); return; } sender.sendMessage(MsgUtil.getMessage("no-permission")); return; } private void clean(CommandSender sender) { if (sender.hasPermission("quickshop.clean")) { sender.sendMessage(MsgUtil.getMessage("")); Iterator shIt = plugin.getShopManager().getShopIterator(); int i = 0; while (shIt.hasNext()) { Shop shop =; if (shop.getLocation().getWorld() != null && shop.isSelling() && shop.getRemainingStock() == 0 && shop instanceof ContainerShop) { ContainerShop cs = (ContainerShop) shop; if (cs.isDoubleShop()) continue; shIt.remove(); // Is selling, but has no stock, and is a // chest shop, but is not a double shop. Can // be deleted safely. i++; } } MsgUtil.clean(); sender.sendMessage(MsgUtil.getMessage("command.cleaned", "" + i)); return; } sender.sendMessage(MsgUtil.getMessage("no-permission")); return; } private void reload(CommandSender sender) { if (sender.hasPermission("quickshop.reload")) { sender.sendMessage(MsgUtil.getMessage("command.reloading")); Bukkit.getPluginManager().disablePlugin(plugin); Bukkit.getPluginManager().enablePlugin(plugin); return; } sender.sendMessage(MsgUtil.getMessage("no-permission")); return; } @Override public boolean onCommand(CommandSender sender, Command cmd, String commandLabel, String[] args) { if (args.length > 0) { String subArg = args[0].toLowerCase(); if (subArg.equals("unlimited")) { setUnlimited(sender); return true; } else if (subArg.equals("setowner")) { setOwner(sender, args); return true; } else if (subArg.equals("find")) { find(sender, args); return true; } else if (subArg.startsWith("buy")) { setBuy(sender); return true; } else if (subArg.startsWith("sell")) { setSell(sender); return true; } else if (subArg.startsWith("price")) { setPrice(sender, args); return true; } else if (subArg.equals("remove")) { remove(sender, args); } else if (subArg.equals("refill")) { refill(sender, args); return true; } else if (subArg.equals("empty")) { empty(sender, args); return true; } else if (subArg.equals("clean")) { clean(sender); return true; } else if (subArg.equals("reload")) { reload(sender); return true; } else if (subArg.equals("export")) { export(sender, args); return true; } else if (subArg.equals("info")) { if (sender.hasPermission("")) { int buying, selling, doubles, chunks, worlds; buying = selling = doubles = chunks = worlds = 0; int nostock = 0; for (HashMap> inWorld : plugin.getShopManager().getShops().values()) { worlds++; for (HashMap inChunk : inWorld.values()) { chunks++; for (Shop shop : inChunk.values()) { if (shop.isBuying()) { buying++; } else if (shop.isSelling()) { selling++; } if (shop instanceof ContainerShop && ((ContainerShop) shop).isDoubleShop()) { doubles++; } else if (shop.isSelling() && shop.getRemainingStock() == 0) { nostock++; } } } } sender.sendMessage(ChatColor.RED + "QuickShop Statistics..."); sender.sendMessage(ChatColor.GREEN + "" + (buying + selling) + " shops in " + chunks + " chunks spread over " + worlds + " worlds."); sender.sendMessage(ChatColor.GREEN + "" + doubles + " double shops. "); sender.sendMessage(ChatColor.GREEN + "" + nostock + " selling shops (excluding doubles) which will be removed by /qs clean."); return true; } sender.sendMessage(MsgUtil.getMessage("no-permission")); return true; } } else { // Invalid arg given sendHelp(sender); return true; } // No args given sendHelp(sender); return true; } /** * Returns loc with modified pitch/yaw angles so it faces lookat * * @param loc * The location a players head is * @param lookat * The location they should be looking * @return The location the player should be facing to have their crosshairs * on the location lookAt Kudos to bergerkiller for most of this * function */ public Location lookAt(Location loc, Location lookat) { // Clone the loc to prevent applied changes to the input loc loc = loc.clone(); // Values of change in distance (make it relative) double dx = lookat.getX() - loc.getX(); double dy = lookat.getY() - loc.getY(); double dz = lookat.getZ() - loc.getZ(); // Set yaw if (dx != 0) { // Set yaw start value based on dx if (dx < 0) { loc.setYaw((float) (1.5 * Math.PI)); } else { loc.setYaw((float) (0.5 * Math.PI)); } loc.setYaw((float) loc.getYaw() - (float) Math.atan(dz / dx)); } else if (dz < 0) { loc.setYaw((float) Math.PI); } // Get the distance from dx/dz double dxz = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(dx, 2) + Math.pow(dz, 2)); float pitch = (float) -Math.atan(dy / dxz); // Set values, convert to degrees // Minecraft yaw (vertical) angles are inverted (negative) loc.setYaw(-loc.getYaw() * 180f / (float) Math.PI + 360); // But pitch angles are normal loc.setPitch(pitch * 180f / (float) Math.PI); return loc; } public void sendHelp(CommandSender s) { s.sendMessage(MsgUtil.getMessage("command.description.title")); if (s.hasPermission("quickshop.unlimited")) s.sendMessage(ChatColor.GREEN + "/qs unlimited" + ChatColor.YELLOW + " - " + MsgUtil.getMessage("command.description.unlimited")); if (s.hasPermission("quickshop.setowner")) s.sendMessage(ChatColor.GREEN + "/qs setowner " + ChatColor.YELLOW + " - " + MsgUtil.getMessage("command.description.setowner")); if (s.hasPermission("")) s.sendMessage(ChatColor.GREEN + "/qs buy" + ChatColor.YELLOW + " - " + MsgUtil.getMessage("")); if (s.hasPermission("quickshop.create.sell")) s.sendMessage(ChatColor.GREEN + "/qs sell" + ChatColor.YELLOW + " - " + MsgUtil.getMessage("command.description.sell")); if (s.hasPermission("quickshop.create.changeprice")) s.sendMessage(ChatColor.GREEN + "/qs price" + ChatColor.YELLOW + " - " + MsgUtil.getMessage("command.description.price")); if (s.hasPermission("quickshop.clean")) s.sendMessage(ChatColor.GREEN + "/qs clean" + ChatColor.YELLOW + " - " + MsgUtil.getMessage("command.description.clean")); if (s.hasPermission("quickshop.find")) s.sendMessage(ChatColor.GREEN + "/qs find " + ChatColor.YELLOW + " - " + MsgUtil.getMessage("command.description.find")); if (s.hasPermission("quickshop.refill")) s.sendMessage(ChatColor.GREEN + "/qs refill " + ChatColor.YELLOW + " - " + MsgUtil.getMessage("command.description.refill")); if (s.hasPermission("quickshop.empty")) s.sendMessage(ChatColor.GREEN + "/qs empty" + ChatColor.YELLOW + " - " + MsgUtil.getMessage("command.description.empty")); if (s.hasPermission("quickshop.export")) s.sendMessage(ChatColor.GREEN + "/qs export mysql|sqlite" + ChatColor.YELLOW + " - Exports the database to SQLite or MySQL"); } }