mirror of https://e.coding.net/circlecloud/QuickShop.git synced 2024-12-27 07:48:48 +00:00

fix: 修复虚拟悬浮物 优化初始化流程

Signed-off-by: 502647092 <admin@yumc.pw>
This commit is contained in:
502647092 2017-05-08 21:17:45 +08:00
parent ec2498fc48
commit dec12d75cb
9 changed files with 165 additions and 105 deletions

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@ -17,7 +17,7 @@
@ -57,8 +57,8 @@
§b1.9.5 - §a1.10+兼容虚拟悬浮物...;
@ -78,7 +78,7 @@

View File

@ -12,7 +12,8 @@ import org.bukkit.Material;
import org.bukkit.configuration.ConfigurationSection;
import org.bukkit.inventory.ItemStack;
import org.maxgamer.QuickShop.QuickShop;
import org.maxgamer.QuickShop.Shop.Item.FakeItem_17_18;
import org.maxgamer.QuickShop.Shop.Item.DisplayItem;
import org.maxgamer.QuickShop.Shop.Item.FakeItem_18;
import org.maxgamer.QuickShop.Shop.Item.FakeItem_19_111;
import pw.yumc.YumCore.bukkit.Log;
@ -92,26 +93,7 @@ public class ConfigManager {
this.warnings = Collections.emptySet();
this.prevent = config.getStringList("prevent");
if (config.getBoolean("fakeitem", true)) {
try {
plugin.getLogger().info("启用虚拟悬浮物 尝试启动中...");
new FakeItem_19_111(new Location(Bukkit.getWorlds().get(0), 0, 0, 0), new ItemStack(Material.STONE)).spawn();
fakeItem = true;
} catch (final Throwable e) {
try {
new FakeItem_17_18(new Location(Bukkit.getWorlds().get(0), 0, 0, 0), new ItemStack(Material.STONE)).spawn();
fakeItem = true;
} catch (final Throwable e2) {
plugin.getLogger().warning("| 警告: 启动虚拟物品失败 使用原版悬浮物品...");
if (Bukkit.getVersion().contains("Paper") || Bukkit.getVersion().contains("Torch")) {
Log.d("辣鸡 Paper 毁我异步命令!");

View File

@ -22,6 +22,8 @@ import org.maxgamer.QuickShop.Shop.ShopAction;
import org.maxgamer.QuickShop.Util.MsgUtil;
import org.maxgamer.QuickShop.Util.Util;
import pw.yumc.YumCore.bukkit.Log;
public class BlockListener implements Listener {
private final QuickShop plugin;
@ -88,14 +90,13 @@ public class BlockListener implements Listener {
public void onPlace(final BlockPlaceEvent e) {
if (e.isCancelled()) { return; }
final BlockState bs = e.getBlock().getState();
if (!(bs instanceof DoubleChest)) { return; }
final Block b = e.getBlock();
final Player p = e.getPlayer();
final Block chest = Util.getSecondHalf(b);
if (chest != null) {
Shop shop = plugin.getShopManager().getShop(chest.getLocation());
if (shop != null) {
if (!shop.getOwner().equals(p.getName())) {
if (!p.getName().equals(shop.getOwner())) {

View File

@ -63,7 +63,7 @@ public class LockListener implements Listener {
Shop shop = plugin.getShopManager().getShop(b.getLocation());
// Make sure they're not using the non-shop half of a double chest.
if (!hasSecondHalf(shop, b)) { return; }
if (shop != null && !shop.getOwner().equals(p.getName())) {
if (shop != null && !p.getName().equals(shop.getOwner())) {
if (p.hasPermission("quickshop.other.open")) {

View File

@ -1,36 +1,61 @@
package org.maxgamer.QuickShop.Shop.Item;
import java.lang.reflect.Constructor;
import java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.List;
import org.bukkit.Bukkit;
import org.bukkit.Location;
import org.bukkit.Material;
import org.bukkit.entity.Item;
import org.bukkit.inventory.ItemStack;
import org.maxgamer.QuickShop.QuickShop;
import org.maxgamer.QuickShop.Shop.ContainerShop;
import pw.yumc.YumCore.bukkit.Log;
import pw.yumc.YumCore.bukkit.P;
import pw.yumc.YumCore.bukkit.compatible.C;
* @author Netherfoam A display item, that spawns a block above the chest and
* cannot be interacted with.
public abstract class DisplayItem {
public static QuickShop plugin = P.getPlugin();
private static QuickShop plugin = P.getPlugin();
private static Class<? extends DisplayItem> displayItemClass;
private static Constructor<? extends DisplayItem> constructor;
public static void init() {
List<Class<? extends DisplayItem>> fakeItems = Arrays.asList(FakeItem_19_111.class, FakeItem_18.class, FakeItem_17.class);
Log.i("启用虚拟悬浮物 尝试启动中...");
fakeItems.forEach(c -> {
try {
c.getConstructor(Location.class, ItemStack.class).newInstance(new Location(Bukkit.getWorlds().get(0), 0, 0, 0), new ItemStack(Material.STONE)).spawn();
displayItemClass = c;
Log.i("虚拟悬浮物功能测试正常(%s)...", c.getSimpleName());
} catch (Throwable e) {
if (displayItemClass == null) {
displayItemClass = NormalItem.class;
Log.w("| 警告: 启动虚拟物品失败 使用原版悬浮物品...");
try {
constructor = displayItemClass.getConstructor(Location.class, ItemStack.class);
} catch (NoSuchMethodException ignored) {
public static DisplayItem create(final ContainerShop shop) {
String ver = C.getNMSVersion();
if (plugin.getConfigManager().isDisplay()) {
if (plugin.getConfigManager().isFakeItem()) {
try {
if (Integer.parseInt(ver.split("_")[1]) > 8) {
return new FakeItem_19_111(shop.getLocation(), shop.getItem());
} else {
return new FakeItem_17_18(shop.getLocation(), shop.getItem());
} catch (final Throwable e) {
return new NormalItem(shop, shop.getItem());
if (plugin.getConfigManager().isDisplay()) try {
return constructor.newInstance(shop.getLocation(), shop.getItem());
} catch (InstantiationException | InvocationTargetException | IllegalAccessException ignored) {
return null;

View File

@ -1,49 +1,49 @@
package org.maxgamer.QuickShop.Shop.Item;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import org.bukkit.Location;
import org.bukkit.inventory.ItemStack;
import com.comphenix.protocol.events.PacketContainer;
import com.comphenix.protocol.reflect.StructureModifier;
import com.comphenix.protocol.wrappers.WrappedWatchableObject;
* Minecraft 虚拟悬浮物品工具类
* 需要depend ProtocolLib
* @author 橙子(chengzi)
* @version 1.0.1
public class FakeItem_17_18 extends FakeItem {
public FakeItem_17_18(Location loc, final ItemStack item) {
super(loc, item);
private static int getNormalizedDistance(final double value) {
return (int) Math.floor(value * 32.0D);
protected PacketContainer setMetadataPacket(PacketContainer fakePacket) {
fakePacket.getIntegers().write(0, eid);
final WrappedWatchableObject itemMeta = new WrappedWatchableObject(10, itemStack);
final List<WrappedWatchableObject> entityMetaList = new ArrayList<>(1);
fakePacket.getWatchableCollectionModifier().write(0, entityMetaList);
return fakePacket;
protected PacketContainer setSpawnPacket(PacketContainer fakePacket) {
StructureModifier<Integer> is = fakePacket.getIntegers();
is.write(0, eid);
is.write(1, getNormalizedDistance(location.getX()));
is.write(2, getNormalizedDistance(location.getY()));
is.write(3, getNormalizedDistance(location.getZ()));
return fakePacket;
package org.maxgamer.QuickShop.Shop.Item;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import org.bukkit.Location;
import org.bukkit.inventory.ItemStack;
import com.comphenix.protocol.events.PacketContainer;
import com.comphenix.protocol.reflect.StructureModifier;
import com.comphenix.protocol.wrappers.WrappedWatchableObject;
* Minecraft 虚拟悬浮物品工具类
* 需要depend ProtocolLib
* @author 橙子(chengzi)
* @version 1.0.1
public class FakeItem_17 extends FakeItem {
public FakeItem_17(Location loc, final ItemStack item) {
super(loc, item);
private static int getNormalizedDistance(final double value) {
return (int) Math.floor(value * 32.0D);
protected PacketContainer setMetadataPacket(PacketContainer fakePacket) {
fakePacket.getIntegers().write(0, eid);
final WrappedWatchableObject itemMeta = new WrappedWatchableObject(10, itemStack);
final List<WrappedWatchableObject> entityMetaList = new ArrayList<>(1);
fakePacket.getWatchableCollectionModifier().write(0, entityMetaList);
return fakePacket;
protected PacketContainer setSpawnPacket(PacketContainer fakePacket) {
StructureModifier<Integer> is = fakePacket.getIntegers();
is.write(0, eid);
is.write(1, getNormalizedDistance(location.getX()));
is.write(2, getNormalizedDistance(location.getY()));
is.write(3, getNormalizedDistance(location.getZ()));
return fakePacket;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
package org.maxgamer.QuickShop.Shop.Item;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import org.bukkit.Location;
import org.bukkit.inventory.ItemStack;
import com.comphenix.protocol.events.PacketContainer;
import com.comphenix.protocol.reflect.StructureModifier;
import com.comphenix.protocol.wrappers.WrappedWatchableObject;
* Minecraft 虚拟悬浮物品工具类
* 需要depend ProtocolLib
* @author 橙子(chengzi)
* @version 1.0.1
public class FakeItem_18 extends FakeItem {
public FakeItem_18(Location loc, final ItemStack item) {
super(loc, item);
private static int getNormalizedDistance(final double value) {
return (int) Math.floor(value * 32.0D);
protected PacketContainer setMetadataPacket(PacketContainer fakePacket) {
fakePacket.getIntegers().write(0, eid);
final WrappedWatchableObject itemMeta = new WrappedWatchableObject(10, itemStack);
final List<WrappedWatchableObject> entityMetaList = new ArrayList<>(1);
fakePacket.getWatchableCollectionModifier().write(0, entityMetaList);
return fakePacket;
protected PacketContainer setSpawnPacket(PacketContainer fakePacket) {
StructureModifier<Integer> is = fakePacket.getIntegers();
is.write(0, eid);
is.write(1, getNormalizedDistance(location.getX()));
is.write(2, getNormalizedDistance(location.getY()));
is.write(3, getNormalizedDistance(location.getZ()));
return fakePacket;

View File

@ -16,21 +16,21 @@ import org.maxgamer.QuickShop.Util.NMS;
public class NormalItem extends DisplayItem {
private final ItemStack iStack;
private Item item;
private final Shop shop;
private final Location location;
// private Location displayLoc;
* Creates a new display item.
* @param shop
* @param location
* The shop (See Shop)
* @param iStack
* The item stack to clone properties of the display item from.
public NormalItem(final Shop shop, final ItemStack iStack) {
this.shop = shop;
public NormalItem(final Location location, final ItemStack iStack) {
this.location = location;
this.iStack = iStack.clone();
// this.displayLoc = shop.getLocation().clone().add(0.5, 1.2, 0.5);
// this.displayLoc = location().clone().add(0.5, 1.2, 0.5);
@ -39,7 +39,7 @@ public class NormalItem extends DisplayItem {
public Location getDisplayLocation() {
return this.shop.getLocation().clone().add(0.5, 1.2, 0.5);
return this.location.clone().add(0.5, 1.2, 0.5);
@ -65,8 +65,8 @@ public class NormalItem extends DisplayItem {
public boolean removeDupe() {
if (shop.getLocation().getWorld() == null) { return false; }
final Location displayLoc = shop.getLocation().getBlock().getRelative(0, 1, 0).getLocation();
if (location.getWorld() == null) { return false; }
final Location displayLoc = location.getBlock().getRelative(0, 1, 0).getLocation();
boolean removed = false;
final Chunk c = displayLoc.getChunk();
for (final Entity e : c.getEntities()) {
@ -77,7 +77,7 @@ public class NormalItem extends DisplayItem {
final Location eLoc = e.getLocation().getBlock().getLocation();
if (eLoc.equals(displayLoc) || eLoc.equals(shop.getLocation())) {
if (eLoc.equals(displayLoc) || eLoc.equals(location)) {
removed = true;
@ -99,10 +99,10 @@ public class NormalItem extends DisplayItem {
public void spawn() {
if (shop.getLocation().getWorld() == null) { return; }
if (location.getWorld() == null) { return; }
final Location dispLoc = this.getDisplayLocation();
try {
this.item = shop.getLocation().getWorld().dropItem(dispLoc, this.iStack);
this.item = location.getWorld().dropItem(dispLoc, this.iStack);
this.item.setVelocity(new Vector(0, 0.1, 0));
} catch (final Exception ignored) {

View File

@ -16,6 +16,8 @@ import org.bukkit.inventory.meta.EnchantmentStorageMeta;
import org.bukkit.material.MaterialData;
import org.bukkit.material.Sign;
import org.maxgamer.QuickShop.QuickShop;
import pw.yumc.YumCore.bukkit.Log;
import pw.yumc.YumCore.global.L10N;
import java.text.DecimalFormat;
@ -176,6 +178,7 @@ public class Util {
* @return the block which is also a chest and connected to b.
public static Block getSecondHalf(final Block b) {
Log.d("%s", b);
if (!b.getType().toString().contains("CHEST")) { return null; }
final Block[] blocks = new Block[4];
blocks[0] = b.getRelative(1, 0, 0);
@ -483,7 +486,7 @@ public class Util {
if (book1) { // They are the same here (both true or both
// false). So if one is true, the other is
// true.
// true.
final Map<Enchantment, Integer> ench1 = ((EnchantmentStorageMeta) stack1.getItemMeta()).getStoredEnchants();
final Map<Enchantment, Integer> ench2 = ((EnchantmentStorageMeta) stack2.getItemMeta()).getStoredEnchants();
if (!ench1.equals(ench2)) { return false; // Enchants aren't the same.