mirror of https://e.coding.net/circlecloud/QuickShop.git synced 2024-10-05 18:18:49 +00:00

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# Colors:
# &0-9, &a-f
# {0}, {1}, {2}, etc are variables. You can swap them around, but adding a new variable won't work. Removing them will work
not-looking-at-shop: "&cNo QuickShop found. You must be looking at one."
no-permission: "&cYou do not have permission to do that."
no-creative-break: "&cYou cannot break other players shops in creative mode. Use survival instead."
no-double-chests: "&cYou don't have permission to create a double-chest shop."
shop-already-owned: "&cThat is already a shop."
chest-was-removed: "&cThat chest was removed."
price-too-cheap: "&cPrice must be greater than &e$0.01"
no-price-change: "&cThat wouldn't result in a price change!"
you-cant-afford-a-new-shop: "&cIt costs {0} to create a new shop."
player-bought-from-your-store-tax: "&c{0} purchased {1} {2} from your store, and you paid {3} in taxes."
you-cant-afford-to-change-price: "&cIt costs {0} to change the price in your shop."
success-created-shop: "&aCreated shop."
success-removed-shop: "&aShop removed."
shops-arent-locked: "&cRemember, shops are NOT protected from theft! If you want to stop thieves, lock it with LWC, Lockette, etc!"
shop-creation-cancelled: "&cCancelled Shop Creation."
shop-purchase-cancelled: "&cCancelled Shop Purchase."
shop-stock-too-low: "&cThe shop only has {0} {1} left"
you-cant-afford-to-buy: "&cThat costs {0}, but you only have {1}"
negative-amount: "&cDerp, can't trade negative amounts"
player-bought-from-your-store: "&c{0} purchased {1} {2} from your store."
shop-out-of-stock: "&5Your shop at {0}, {1}, {2}, has run out of {3}"
shop-has-no-space: "&cThe shop only has room for {0} more {1}."
you-dont-have-that-many-items: "&cYou only have {0} {1}."
the-owner-cant-afford-to-buy-from-you: "&cThat costs {0} but the owner only has {1}"
player-sold-to-your-store: "&a{0} sold {1} {2} to your store."
shop-out-of-space: "&5Your shop at {0}, {1}, {2}, is now full."
fee-charged-for-price-change: "&aYou pay &c{0}&a to change the price."
price-is-now: "&aThe shops new price is &e{0}"
thats-not-a-number: "&cInvalid number"
no-price-given: "&cPlease give a valid price."
average-price-nearby: "&aAverage Price Nearby: &e{0}"
shop-has-changed: "&cThe shop you tried to use has changed since you clicked it!"
nearby-shop-this-way: "&aShop is {0} blocks away from you."
no-nearby-shop: "&cNo shops matching {0} nearby."
buying-more-than-selling: "&cWARNING: You are buying items for more than you are selling them!"
not-enough-space: "&cYou only have room for {0} more of that!"
refill-success: "&aRefill success"
empty-success: "&aEmpty success"
successful-purchase: "&aSuccessfully Purchased:"
successfully-sold: "&aSuccessfully Sold:"
item-name-and-price: "&e{0} {1} &afor &e{2}"
sell-tax: "&aYou paid &e{0} &ain taxes."
sell-tax-self: "&aYou own this shop so you don't pay taxes."
enchants: "&5Enchants"
stored-enchants: "&5Stored Enchants"
shop-information: "&aShop Information:"
owner: "&aOwner: {0}"
item: "&aItem: &e{0}"
space: "&aSpace: &e{0}"
stock: "&aStock &e{0}"
price-per: "&aPrice per &e{0} &a- &e{1}"
total-value-of-chest: "&aTotal value of Chest: &e{0}"
damage-percent-remaining: "&e{0}% &aRemaining."
this-shop-is-buying: "&aThis shop is &dBUYING&a items."
this-shop-is-selling: "&aThis shop is &bSELLING&a items."
bypassing-lock: "&cBypassing a QuickShop lock!"
that-is-locked: "&cThat shop is locked."
how-many-buy: "&aEnter how many you wish to &bBUY&a in chat."
how-many-sell: "&aEnter how many you wish to &dSELL&a in chat. You have &e{0}&a available"
not-allowed-to-create: "&cYou may not create a shop here."
blacklisted-item: "&cThat item is blacklisted. You may not sell it"
how-much-to-trade-for: "&aEnter how much you wish to trade one &e{0}&a for in chat."
#success-created-unlimited: "&aUnlimited QuickShop created."
toggle-unlimited: "&aShop is now {0}"
no-owner-given: "&cNo owner given. Use &a/qs setowner <player>&c"
new-owner: "&aNew owner: &e{0}"
now-buying: "&aNow &dBUYING&a &e{0}"
now-selling: "&aNow &bSELLING &e{0}"
cleaning: "&aCleaning up shops with 0 stock..."
reloading: "&aReloading..."
cleaned: "&aCleaned &e{0}&a shops"
no-type-given: "&cUsage: /qs find <item>"
title: "&aQuickShop Help"
unlimited: "&eMakes a shop unlimited"
setowner: "&eChanges who owns a shop"
buy: "&eChanges a shop to &dBUY&e mode"
sell: "&eChanges a shop to &bSELL&e mode"
clean: "&eRemoves all (loaded) shops with 0 stock"
price: "&eChanges the buy/selling price of one of your shops"
find: "&eLocates the nearest shop of a specific type."
reload: "&eReloads QuickShop from config.yml"
refill: "&eAdds a given number of items to a shop"
empty: "&eRemoves all stock from a shop"
#Line 1 is used as an identifier at the moment, so I kind of need it to work, thats why I won't let you change it
#Line 3 is the item name... There really isnt anything to change.
selling: "Selling {0}"
buying: "Buying {0}"
price: "For {0} each"