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* Amysql PHPMVC - AMP 1.5
* @param Object $AmysqlProcess 网站进程
class Amysql {
public $AmysqlProcess;
public function Amysql() {
global $Config;
ini_set ( "magic_quotes_runtime", false );
($Config ['DebugPhp'] && error_reporting ( E_ALL )) || error_reporting ( 0 ); // 是否报错
($Config ['SessionStart'] && session_start ()); // SESSION
(! empty ( $Config ['CharSet'] ) && header ( 'Content-type: text/html;charset=' . $Config ['CharSet'] ));
static public function AmysqlNotice($notice) {
$AmysqlController = new AmysqlController ();
$AmysqlController->notice = $notice;
$AmysqlController->_view ( 'AmysqlNotice' );
exit ();
static public function filter(&$array, $function) {
if (! is_array ( $array ))
return $array = $function ( $array );
foreach ( $array as $key => $value )
(is_array ( $value ) && $array [$key] = Amysql::filter ( $value, $function )) || $array [$key] = $function ( $value );
return $array;
* **********************************************
* 总进程对象
* @param Object $ControllerName
* @param string $ControllerName
* @param string $ActionName
* @param string $ControllerFile
class AmysqlProcess {
public $AmysqlController;
public $ControllerName;
public $ActionName;
public $ControllerFile;
function ProcessStart() {
global $Config;
if ($Config ['HttpPath']) {
$GETParam = (strlen ( $_SERVER ['REQUEST_URI'] ) > strlen ( $_SERVER ['SCRIPT_NAME'] )) ? explode ( '/', trim ( str_ireplace ( $_SERVER ['SCRIPT_NAME'], '', $_SERVER ['REQUEST_URI'] ), '/' ) ) : '';
$GETCount = count ( $GETParam );
if ($GETCount > 1)
for($i = 2; $i < $GETCount; ++ $i)
$_GET [$GETParam [$i]] = isset ( $GETParam [++ $i] ) ? $GETParam [$i] : '';
$magic_quotes = function_exists ( 'get_magic_quotes_gpc' ) ? get_magic_quotes_gpc () : false; // 环境是否有过滤
if ($Config ['Filter']) // 开启过滤
(! $magic_quotes && (Amysql::filter ( $_GET, 'addslashes' ) && Amysql::filter ( $_REQUEST, 'addslashes' ) && Amysql::filter ( $_COOKIE, 'addslashes' ) && Amysql::filter ( $_FILES, 'addslashes' )));
} else {
($magic_quotes && (Amysql::filter ( $_GET, 'stripslashes' ) && Amysql::filter ( $_REQUEST, 'stripslashes' ) && Amysql::filter ( $_COOKIE, 'stripslashes' ) && Amysql::filter ( $_FILES, 'stripslashes' )));
$this->ControllerName = ! empty ( $GETParam [0] ) ? $GETParam [0] : ((isset ( $_GET [$Config ['UrlControllerName']] ) && ! empty ( $_GET [$Config ['UrlControllerName']] )) ? $_GET [$Config ['UrlControllerName']] : 'index');
$this->ControllerName = str_replace ( _PathTag, DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, $this->ControllerName );
$this->ActionName = ! empty ( $GETParam [1] ) ? $GETParam [1] : ((isset ( $_GET [$Config ['UrlActionName']] ) && ! empty ( $_GET [$Config ['UrlActionName']] )) ? $_GET [$Config ['UrlActionName']] : 'IndexAction');
$this->ControllerFile = _Controller . $this->ControllerName . '.php';
function ControllerStart() {
((is_file ( $this->ControllerFile ) && include_once ($this->ControllerFile)) || (is_file ( _Controller . 'index.php' ) && include_once (_Controller . 'index.php')) || Amysql::AmysqlNotice ( $this->ControllerFile . ' 控制器文件不存在' ));
(class_exists ( $this->ControllerName ) || (($this->ControllerName = 'index') && class_exists ( 'index' )) || Amysql::AmysqlNotice ( $this->ControllerName . ' 控制器不存在' ));
$methods = get_class_methods ( $this->ControllerName ); // 获取类中的方法名
(in_array ( $this->ActionName, $methods, true ) || (($this->ActionName = 'IndexAction') && in_array ( $this->ActionName, $methods, true )) || Amysql::AmysqlNotice ( $this->ActionName . ' 方法不存在' ));
$this->AmysqlController = new $this->ControllerName ( $_GET ); // 实例控制器
method_exists ( $this->AmysqlController, 'StartAction' ) ? $this->AmysqlController->StartAction () : '';
$this->AmysqlController->{$this->ActionName} (); // 执行方法
* **********************************************
* 控制器逻辑层 (C)
* @param Object $DB
* @param Array $DBConfig
* @param Array $AmysqlModel
* @param Object $AmysqlTemplates
* @param Array $EchoData
class AmysqlController {
public $DB;
public $DBConfig; // 控制器调用Mysql的链接配置
public $AmysqlModel; // 控制器关联的数据模型对象集
public $AmysqlClass; // 控制器关联的类对象集
public $AmysqlTemplates; // 控制器关联的模板对象
public $EchoData = array (); // 调试数据
function AmysqlController() {
global $Config;
$this->DBConfig = $Config;
$this->DB = new DB ();
$this->AmysqlTemplates = new AmysqlTemplates ();
* 设置数据库配置
* @param Array $Config
function _DBSet($_Config = NULL) {
global $Config;
$_Config = ($_Config == NULL) ? $Config : $_Config;
foreach ( $Config as $key => $val )
(empty ( $_Config [$key] ) && $_Config [$key] = $val);
$this->DBConfig = $_Config;
* 模板赋值
* @param string $name
* @param string $value
public function __set($name, $value = NULL) {
$this->AmysqlTemplates->TemplateValue [$name] = $value;
* 数组模板赋值
* @param Array $array
public function _array($array) {
if (is_array ( $array )) {
foreach ( $array as $key => $val )
$this->AmysqlTemplates->TemplateValue [$key] = $val;
* 加载自定义类文件
* @param string $file
* @param string $ClassName
* @return Object $ClassName() 类对象
public function _class($file, $ClassName = NULL) {
$file = str_replace ( _PathTag, DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, $file );
$ClassName = ($ClassName == NULL) ? $file : $ClassName;
$file = _Class . $file . '.php';
if (is_file ( $file )) {
include_once ($file);
if (! class_exists ( $ClassName ))
Amysql::AmysqlNotice ( $ClassName . ' 类对象不存在' );
if (! isset ( $this->AmysqlClass [$ClassName] )) // 不存在类对象
$this->AmysqlClass [$ClassName] = new $ClassName ();
return $this->AmysqlClass [$ClassName];
Amysql::AmysqlNotice ( $file . ' 类文件不存在' );
* 加载模型文件
* @param string $file
* @param string $ClassName
* @return Object $ClassName() 模型对象
public function _model($file, $ClassName = NULL) {
$file = str_replace ( _PathTag, DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, $file );
$ClassName = ($ClassName == NULL) ? $file : $ClassName;
$file = _Model . $file . '.php';
if (is_file ( $file )) {
include_once ($file);
if (! class_exists ( $ClassName ))
Amysql::AmysqlNotice ( $ClassName . ' 模型对象不存在' );
$this->DBConfig ['ModelTag'] = $ModelTag = $ClassName . '_' . $this->DBConfig ['ConnectTag']; // 模型标识
// 不存在模型
if (! isset ( $this->AmysqlModel [$ModelTag] )) {
$this->AmysqlModel [$ModelTag] = new $ClassName ();
if (! isset ( $this->DB->DBS [$ModelTag] ))
$this->DB->DBConnect ( $this->DBConfig ); // 没连接就进行数据库连接
$this->AmysqlModel [$ModelTag]->MysqlConnect = $this->DB->DBS [$ModelTag]; // 模型使用的数据库连接
return $this->AmysqlModel [$ModelTag];
Amysql::AmysqlNotice ( $file . ' 模型文件不存在' );
* 获得相关文件数据(模板目录)
* @param string $file
* @return string 数据
public function _file($file) {
$file = str_replace ( _PathTag, DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, $file );
$file = _View . $file . '.php';
if (is_file ( $file ))
return file_get_contents ( $file );
Amysql::AmysqlNotice ( $file . ' 数据文件不存在' );
* 数据调试
* @param $data 数据
public function _echo($data) {
$this->EchoData [] = $data;
* 模板显示
public function _view($file = null) {
// 控制器属性共享于模板 2012-4-20
$AmysqlSelfPropertyKey = array_keys ( get_class_vars ( 'AmysqlController' ) );
$ControllerPropertyParam = get_object_vars ( $this );
foreach ( $ControllerPropertyParam as $key => $val ) {
if (! in_array ( $key, $AmysqlSelfPropertyKey )) // 非Amysql控制器属性
$this->AmysqlTemplates->TemplateValue [$key] = $val;
$this->AmysqlTemplates->_view ( $file );
// 信息调试输出
if (is_array ( $this->AmysqlModel )) {
foreach ( $this->AmysqlModel as $key => $val ) // Sql调试
echo $this->AmysqlModel [$key]->SqlBug;
foreach ( $this->EchoData as $val )
echo "<!--<pre>\n", print_r ( $val, true ), "\n</pre>-->";
* **********************************************
* 视图表现层 (V)
* @param Array $TemplateValue
class AmysqlTemplates {
public $TemplateValue; // 模板数据
function AmysqlTemplates() {
// 自定义模板常用参数数据
$this->TemplateValue ['_date'] = date ( 'Y-m-d H:i:s', time () );
public function _view($file = null) {
global $Config;
// 2012-10-8
($Config ['XSS'] && Amysql::filter ( $this->TemplateValue, 'htmlspecialchars' ) && Amysql::filter ( $_GET, 'htmlspecialchars' ) && Amysql::filter ( $_REQUEST, 'htmlspecialchars' ) && Amysql::filter ( $_COOKIE, 'htmlspecialchars' ));
@extract ( $this->TemplateValue );
$file = str_replace ( _PathTag, DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, $file );
$file = _View . $file . '.php';
if (is_file ( $file ))
return include ($file);
Amysql::AmysqlNotice ( $file . ' 模板文件不存在' );
* **********************************************
* 模型数据层 (M)
* @param Object $MysqlConnect
* @param String $Affected
* @param String $InsertId
* @param String $ResultSum
* @param String $QueryStatus
class AmysqlModel {
public $MysqlConnect;
public $Affected;
public $InsertId;
public $ResultSum;
public $QueryStatus;
public $SqlBug = '';
* 基本查询
* @param string $sql
* @return Object 结果集
public function _query($sql) {
global $Config;
if (! $this->MysqlConnect)
return false;
$this->QueryStatus = '(0)';
$this->Affected = 0;
if ($Config ['DebugSql'])
$this->SqlBug .= "\n" . '<!--DebugSql: ' . $sql . '-->' . "\n";
$result = mysql_query ( $sql, $this->MysqlConnect );
if (! $result)
return false;
$this->Affected = mysql_affected_rows ();
$this->QueryStatus = '(ok)';
return $result;
* 插入数据
* @param string $table
* @param Array $data
* @return int InsertId 新增ID
public function _insert($table, $data) {
$this->InsertId = 0;
if (! is_array ( $data ) || count ( $data ) == 0)
return 0;
$field_arr = array ();
foreach ( $data as $key => $val )
$field_arr [] = " `$key` = '$val' ";
$sql = "INSERT INTO `$table` SET " . implode ( ',', $field_arr );
$this->_query ( $sql );
$this->InsertId = mysql_insert_id ();
return $this->InsertId;
* 更新数据
* @param string $table
* 表名
* @param Array $data
* 数据
* @param string $where
* 更新数据依据
* @return int Affected 影响数
public function _update($table, $data, $where = '') {
$this->Affected = 0;
if (! is_array ( $data ) || count ( $data ) == 0)
return 0;
$field_arr = array ();
foreach ( $data as $key => $val )
$field_arr [] = " `$key` = '$val' ";
$sql = "UPDATE `$table` SET " . implode ( ',', $field_arr ) . $where;
$this->_query ( $sql );
return $this->Affected;
* 取得一排数据
* @param string $sql
* @param string $result_type
* @return Array $row 数据
public function _row($sql, $result_type = MYSQL_ASSOC) {
$result = $this->_query ( $sql );
if (! $result)
return false;
$row = mysql_fetch_array ( $result, $result_type );
$this->ResultSum = 1;
$this->_free ( $result );
return $row;
* 取得所有数据
* @param string $sql
* @param string $result_type
* @return Array $row 数据
public function _all($sql, $result_type = MYSQL_ASSOC) {
$result = $this->_query ( $sql );
if (! $result)
return false;
$data = array ();
$this->ResultSum = 0;
while ( $row = mysql_fetch_array ( $result, $result_type ) ) {
$data [] = $row;
++ $this->ResultSum;
$this->_free ( $result );
return $data;
* 取得数据总数
* @param string $sql
* @return int 数量
public function _sum($sql) {
$result = $this->_query ( $sql );
if (! $result)
return false;
return mysql_num_rows ( $result );
* 释放结果集
* @param Object $rs
public function _free($rs) {
return mysql_free_result ( $rs );
* **********************************************
* 数据库对象
* @param Object $DBS
class DB {
public $DBS;
public function DBConnect($Config) {
$this->DBS [$Config ['ModelTag']] = @mysql_connect ( $Config ['Host'], $Config ['User'], $Config ['Password'] );
(! $this->DBS [$Config ['ModelTag']] && Amysql::AmysqlNotice ( mysql_error () . ' Mysql链接出错请配置/Amysql/config.php文件。' ));
(! empty ( $Config ['DBname'] ) && mysql_select_db ( $Config ['DBname'], $this->DBS [$Config ['ModelTag']] ));
$CharSet = str_replace ( '-', '', $Config ['CharSet'] );
mysql_query ( "SET NAMES '$CharSet'", $this->DBS [$Config ['ModelTag']] );