VERSION 5.00 Object = "{EAB22AC0-30C1-11CF-A7EB-0000C05BAE0B}#1.1#0"; "ieframe.dll" Begin VB.Form Frm_Main Caption = "导出首图" ClientHeight = 9390 ClientLeft = 120 ClientTop = 450 ClientWidth = 19035 LinkTopic = "Form1" ScaleHeight = 9390 ScaleWidth = 19035 StartUpPosition = 3 '窗口缺省 Begin VB.CommandButton lg Caption = "login" Height = 270 Left = 12660 TabIndex = 17 Top = 105 Width = 735 End Begin VB.Timer getcb Enabled = 0 'False Interval = 100 Left = 8910 Top = 4455 End Begin SHDocVwCtl.WebBrowser mm Height = 720 Left = 10920 TabIndex = 16 Top = 1335 Visible = 0 'False Width = 4530 ExtentX = 7990 ExtentY = 1270 ViewMode = 0 Offline = 0 Silent = 0 RegisterAsBrowser= 0 RegisterAsDropTarget= 1 AutoArrange = 0 'False NoClientEdge = 0 'False AlignLeft = 0 'False NoWebView = 0 'False HideFileNames = 0 'False SingleClick = 0 'False SingleSelection = 0 'False NoFolders = 0 'False Transparent = 0 'False ViewID = "{0057D0E0-3573-11CF-AE69-08002B2E1262}" Location = "http:///" End Begin VB.Timer getass Enabled = 0 'False Interval = 1000 Left = 8910 Top = 4455 End Begin 导出商品首图.Frm_Tols Frm Height = 240 Left = 9390 Top = 4575 Visible = 0 'False Width = 240 _ExtentX = 423 _ExtentY = 423 End Begin VB.CommandButton loginassist Caption = "商机助理" Height = 300 Left = 13455 TabIndex = 15 Top = 90 Width = 930 End Begin VB.CommandButton pic Caption = "图片" Height = 300 Left = 10905 TabIndex = 14 Top = 90 Width = 600 End Begin VB.CommandButton manager Caption = "商品" Height = 300 Left = 10170 TabIndex = 13 Top = 90 Width = 600 End Begin VB.CommandButton alibaba Caption = "1688" Height = 300 Left = 9435 TabIndex = 12 Top = 90 Width = 600 End Begin VB.CommandButton oa Caption = "OA" Height = 300 Left = 8700 TabIndex = 11 Top = 90 Width = 600 End Begin VB.CommandButton lookitem Caption = "查看商品" Height = 300 Left = 11640 TabIndex = 10 Top = 90 Width = 945 End Begin SHDocVwCtl.WebBrowser web Height = 915 Index = 2 Left = 9750 TabIndex = 9 Top = 1350 Width = 1155 ExtentX = 2037 ExtentY = 1614 ViewMode = 0 Offline = 0 Silent = 0 RegisterAsBrowser= 1 RegisterAsDropTarget= 1 AutoArrange = 0 'False NoClientEdge = 0 'False AlignLeft = 0 'False NoWebView = 0 'False HideFileNames = 0 'False SingleClick = 0 'False SingleSelection = 0 'False NoFolders = 0 'False Transparent = 0 'False ViewID = "{0057D0E0-3573-11CF-AE69-08002B2E1262}" Location = "http:///" End Begin SHDocVwCtl.WebBrowser web Height = 915 Index = 1 Left = 8580 TabIndex = 2 Top = 1335 Width = 1155 ExtentX = 2037 ExtentY = 1614 ViewMode = 0 Offline = 0 Silent = 0 RegisterAsBrowser= 1 RegisterAsDropTarget= 1 AutoArrange = 0 'False NoClientEdge = 0 'False AlignLeft = 0 'False NoWebView = 0 'False HideFileNames = 0 'False SingleClick = 0 'False SingleSelection = 0 'False NoFolders = 0 'False Transparent = 0 'False ViewID = "{0057D0E0-3573-11CF-AE69-08002B2E1262}" Location = "http:///" End Begin VB.ListBox List2 Height = 780 Left = 45 TabIndex = 7 Top = 9315 Width = 17145 End Begin VB.TextBox urlT Height = 270 Index = 2 Left = 8700 TabIndex = 6 Text = "2" Top = 480 Width = 7710 End Begin VB.TextBox urlT Height = 270 Index = 1 Left = 945 TabIndex = 4 Text = "1" Top = 480 Width = 7710 End Begin VB.TextBox urlT Height = 270 Index = 0 Left = 945 TabIndex = 3 Text = "Text1" Top = 105 Width = 7710 End Begin SHDocVwCtl.WebBrowser web Height = 7665 Index = 0 Left = 45 TabIndex = 1 Top = 1335 Width = 8535 ExtentX = 15055 ExtentY = 13520 ViewMode = 0 Offline = 0 Silent = 0 RegisterAsBrowser= 1 RegisterAsDropTarget= 1 AutoArrange = 0 'False NoClientEdge = 0 'False AlignLeft = 0 'False NoWebView = 0 'False HideFileNames = 0 'False SingleClick = 0 'False SingleSelection = 0 'False NoFolders = 0 'False Transparent = 0 'False ViewID = "{0057D0E0-3573-11CF-AE69-08002B2E1262}" Location = "http:///" End Begin VB.Label pages AutoSize = -1 'True Caption = "页数" Height = 180 Left = 14550 TabIndex = 8 Top = 150 Width = 360 End Begin VB.Label Label5 AutoSize = -1 'True Caption = "网页链接:" Height = 180 Left = 120 TabIndex = 5 Top = 525 Width = 810 End Begin VB.Label Label1 AutoSize = -1 'True Caption = "主页链接:" Height = 180 Left = 120 TabIndex = 0 Top = 150 Width = 810 End End Attribute VB_Name = "Frm_Main" Attribute VB_GlobalNameSpace = False Attribute VB_Creatable = False Attribute VB_PredeclaredId = True Attribute VB_Exposed = False Option Explicit Private Savetime As Double Dim strUrl As String Dim uid As String Dim username As String Dim password As String Dim showmsg As Boolean Dim gsmc As String Dim assistpid As Long Dim assisthWnd As Long Private Sub alibaba_Click() web(0).Navigate2 "" End Sub ' Private Sub Form_Load() web(0).Navigate "" End Sub Private Sub Form_Resize() On Error Resume Next Dim lefthg web(0).Top = 900 lefthg = Me.Height - web(0).Top web(0).Width = Me.Width - 50 web(0).Height = lefthg - 250 web(0).Left = 10 Dim i As Long For i = 1 To web.UBound web(i).Width = Me.Width / 3 * 2 - 50 web(i).Top = web(0).Top + lefthg / 2 web(i).Height = lefthg / 2 web(i).Left = 10 Next End Sub Private Sub getfp(webb As WebBrowser) On Error Resume Next Dim i, J, vDoc Dim ix As Long Dim itemname, itemurl ix = webb.index Set vDoc = webb.Document itemname = resetfilename(vDoc.getelementsbytagname("input")("subject").Value) ERR.clear itemurl = vDoc.getelementsbytagname("input")("pictureUrl").Value If ERR <> 0 Then itemurl = vDoc.getelementsbytagname("input")("pictureUrl")(0).Value End If If InStr(1, itemurl, "http") <> 0 And InStr(1, itemurl, "jpg") <> 0 And InStr(1, itemurl, ".com//") = 0 Then If Frm_Download.UName.AddItemNotSame(itemurl) Then If Not (Frm_Download.SName.AddItemNotSame(resetfilename(Trim(itemname) & ".jpg"))) Then Frm_Download.SName.AddItemNotSame resetfilename((Trim(itemname) & i) & ".jpg") End If End If End If End Sub Private Function resetfilename(ByVal name As String) As String On Error Resume Next name = clear(name, "/") name = clear(name, "\") name = clear(name, "*") name = clear(name, "?") name = clear(name, "<") name = clear(name, ">") name = clear(name, ":") resetfilename = name End Function Private Function clear(name As String, P As String) As String clear = Replace(name, P, "") End Function Private Sub Form_Unload(Cancel As Integer) Unload Frm_Download End End Sub Private Sub getass_Timer() On Error Resume Next Dim Cname As String assisthWnd = Frm.GethWndByClass("#32770") '"阿里巴巴商机助理登录" If assisthWnd <> 0 Then Debug.Print hWnd Cname = Frm.GetTitle(assisthWnd) Debug.Print Cname Frm.SetFedWnd assisthWnd assistpid = Frm.GetPidByhWnd(assisthWnd) getass.Enabled = False getcb.Enabled = True End If End Sub Private Sub getcb_Timer() On Error Resume Next Dim hWnd As Long Dim mcname As String hWnd = Frm.GetMouseWindowhWnd If Frm.GetPidByhWnd(hWnd) = assistpid Then mcname = Frm.GetClassName(hWnd) If mcname = "ComboBox" Then Frm.SetFedWnd hWnd Debug.Print "已获取到句柄" & hWnd Frm.hWndKeyPress hWnd, vbKeyLButton, System Frm.hWndKeyPress assisthWnd, vbKeyTab, System SendKeys "123" Frm.hWndKeyPress assisthWnd, vbKeyTab, System SendKeys "123" getcb.Enabled = False End If End If End Sub Private Sub Label1_Click() web(0).Visible = Not web(0).Visible showweb (0) End Sub Private Sub Label2_Click() 'A A A DIV DIV Dim vDoc, vTag_2, vTag_1, vTag, vTag1, vTag2, vTXT Dim i As Integer Set vDoc = web(0).Document On Error Resume Next For i = 0 To vDoc.All.length - 1 Set vTag_2 = vDoc.All(i - 2) Set vTag_1 = vDoc.All(i - 1) Set vTag = vDoc.All(i) Set vTag1 = vDoc.All(i + 1) Set vTag2 = vDoc.All(i + 2) Select Case UCase(vDoc.All(i).TagName) Case "A" If UCase(vTag_2.TagName) = "A" And _ UCase(vTag_1.TagName) = "A" And _ UCase(vTag1.TagName) = "DIV" And _ UCase(vTag2.TagName) = "DIV" Then If vTag.Class = "next" Then vTag.Click End If End Select Next End Sub Private Sub Label5_Click() On Error Resume Next Dim i As Long For i = web.LBound To web.UBound web(i).Stop web(i).Tag = True Next End Sub Private Sub lg_Click() getass.Enabled = True End Sub Private Sub loginassist_Click() On Error Resume Next Dim jj 'If InStr(1, mm.LocationURL, "alilogin.aspx") Then If uid <> "" And username <> "" Then mm.Navigate "" pages.Caption = "获取密码中..." jj = MsgBox("公司名称: " & gsmc & vbCrLf & vbCrLf & "当前用户UID: " & uid & vbCrLf & "当前用户名称: " & username & vbCrLf _ & "当前用户密码: ********" & vbCrLf & vbCrLf & "是否继续登录?", vbExclamation + vbYesNo) If jj = vbYes Then Do Until Not mm.Busy Sleep 10 Loop mm.Navigate "javascript:document.getElementById('sixiAX').GetPW('" + uid + "','')" Dim password showmsg = True End If Else MsgBox "请先打开一次阿里助手!" End If End Sub Private Sub lookitem_Click() Frm_Download.Show End Sub Private Sub manager_Click() web(0).Navigate2 "" End Sub Private Sub mm_DocumentComplete(ByVal pDisp As Object, url As Variant) On Error Resume Next If showmsg Then password = mm.Document.body.innerhtml Clipboard.clear Clipboard.SetText password MsgBox "密码获取成功,请在1分钟打开商机助理,将会自动登录!", vbInformation, "商机助理登录" getass.Enabled = True End If showmsg = False End Sub ' ' ' Private Sub oa_Click() web(0).Navigate2 "" End Sub Private Sub pic_Click() web(0).Navigate2 "" End Sub Private Sub urlT_DblClick(index As Integer) urlT(index).SelStart = 0 urlT(index).SelLength = Len(urlT(index).Text) End Sub Private Sub urlT_KeyPress(index As Integer, KeyAscii As Integer) If KeyAscii = 13 Then web(index).Navigate2 urlT(index).Text End Sub Private Sub web_BeforeNavigate2(index As Integer, ByVal pDisp As Object, url As Variant, Flags As Variant, TargetFrameName As Variant, PostData As Variant, Headers As Variant, Cancel As Boolean) If url <> "http:///" And url <> "" And url <> "about:blank" Then urlT(index) = url 'List3.AddItem url End Sub Private Sub web_DocumentComplete(index As Integer, ByVal pDisp As Object, url As Variant) On Error Resume Next If InStr(1, url, "operator=edit") Then Call getfp(web(index)) End Sub Private Sub web_DownloadBegin(index As Integer) web(index).Tag = False urlT(index).Enabled = False Me.Caption = "Loading..." End Sub 'Private Sub web_DownloadBegin(index As Integer) ' web(index).Silent = True 'End Sub Private Sub web_DownloadComplete(index As Integer) 'On Error Resume Next Dim target, Title, Class Dim itemurl As String Dim itemname As String web(index).Silent = True web(index).Tag = True urlT(index).Enabled = True urlT(index).ForeColor = vbBlue Me.Caption = "Load Complete" showweb (index) Dim vDoc, vTag_2, vTag_1, vTag, vTag1, vTag2, vTXT Dim i As Integer Set vDoc = web(index).Document 'On Error Resume Next If InStr(1, web(index).LocationURL, "alilogin.aspx") Then uid = Mid(web(index).LocationURL, InStr(1, web(index).LocationURL, "?id=") + 4) username = vDoc.getelementsbytagname("input")("TPL_username").Value End If For i = 2 To vDoc.All.length - 1 On Error Resume Next Set vTag_2 = vDoc.All(i - 2) Set vTag_1 = vDoc.All(i - 1) Set vTag = vDoc.All(i) Set vTag1 = vDoc.All(i + 1) Set vTag2 = vDoc.All(i + 2) Select Case UCase(vDoc.All(i).TagName) Case "TD" Case "A" '商品列表批量获取信息 If vTag.Title = "查看公司详细信息" Then gsmc = vTag1.innerhtml Dim st As Long Dim en As Long If UCase(vTag_2.TagName) = "INPUT" And _ UCase(vTag_1.TagName) = "TD" And _ UCase(vTag1.TagName) = "IMG" And _ UCase(vTag2.TagName) = "TD" Then st = InStr(1, vTag.innerhtml, "data-lazyload-src=""") + Len("data-lazyload-src=""") 'data-lazyload-src="http:// st = InStr(st + 1, vTag.innerhtml, "/") + Len("/") en = InStr(st, vTag.innerhtml, "jpg") + 3 itemurl = Mid(vTag.innerhtml, st, en - st) itemurl = urlreset(itemurl) Debug.Print itemurl If InStr(1, itemurl, "http") <> 0 And InStr(1, itemurl, "jpg") <> 0 And InStr(1, itemurl, ".com//") = 0 Then If Frm_Download.UName.AddItemNotSame(itemurl) Then If Not (Frm_Download.SName.AddItemNotSame(resetfilename(Trim(vTag.Title) & ".jpg"))) Then Frm_Download.SName.AddItemNotSame resetfilename((Trim(vTag.Title) & i) & ".jpg") End If End If End If End If Case "META" '商品展示部分直接获取首图信息 If vTag.Property = "og:image" And vTag1.Property = "og:title" Then itemurl = urlreset(vTag.content) itemname = vTag1.content If InStr(1, itemurl, "http") <> 0 And InStr(1, itemurl, "jpg") <> 0 And InStr(1, itemurl, ".com//") = 0 Then If Frm_Download.UName.AddItemNotSame(itemurl) Then If Not (Frm_Download.SName.AddItemNotSame(resetfilename(Trim(itemname) & ".jpg"))) Then Frm_Download.SName.AddItemNotSame resetfilename((Trim(itemname) & i) & ".jpg") End If End If End If End If End Select Next End Sub Private Sub web_NewWindow2(index As Integer, ppDisp As Object, Cancel As Boolean) On Error Resume Next Dim i For i = 1 To web.UBound If web(i).Tag Then Set ppDisp = web(i).object: showweb (i): pages = "已加载...": Exit Sub Next pages = "未加载..." Cancel = True End Sub Public Function urlreset(ByVal url As String) As String Dim st, en 'Debug.Print url st = InStr(1, url, "http://") + Len("http://") st = InStr(st + 1, url, "/") + Len("/") en = InStr(st, url, "jpg") + 3 url = Mid(url, st, en - st) url = Replace(url, ".310x310", "") url = Replace(url, ".64x64", "") url = "" & url urlreset = url 'Debug.Print url End Function Private Sub showweb(index As Long) Dim i As Long For i = 1 To web.UBound web(i).Visible = False List2.Visible = False Next web(index).Visible = True End Sub