#PlaceHolders: %PLAYER%, %BALANCE%, %PLAYERLEVEL%, %COMMANDSCOST% #For extra placeholders download PlaceholderAPI: http://www.spigotmc.org/resources/clips-placeholderapi.6245/ GUI: ##DO NOT TOUCH! Custom: ##The GUI interface, you can set as many "GUI's" as you wish Bungee: false ##Set 'true' if you want to use Bungee features ChestSize: 9 ##Item slots in GUI can be either 9,18,27,36,47,56 ChestName: '&8ExampleGUI (%PLAYER%)' ##The name of the GUI displayed when you enter your "CustomGUICommand" GUICommand: ##The command(s) used to access the GUI - customgui - custom GUIPermission: customgui.open ##The permission required to access the GUI OPItem: true ##If you want to use OP display items PermissionItem: true ##If you want to use permission display items BalanceItem: true ##If you want to use balance display items EXPItem: true ##If you want to use EXP display items OpenSound: LEVEL_UP ##The sound to play when the GUI is opened WhitelistedWorlds: ##Specific worlds you want the GUI to be accessible in (Set "null" to ignore) - null InventoryGUIItemMovement: false ##Whether or not players can move the item in their inventory (Set "true" to allow movement) InventoryGUIItems: [] GUIItems: ##DO NOT TOUCH! #-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-# 1: ##You can place as many "items" as you wish in the config with any name Permission: test.item.permission ##The permission required to use the item in the GUI NoPermsClickSound: EXPLODE ##The sound to play if the player does not have permission and/or enough money to use the item ItemSlot: 4 ##The itemslot in the GUI for the item to be displayed #-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-# OPItem: Item: SKULL_ITEM;1;%PLAYER% ##The OP item that will be used in the GUI (Format: ;;) Name: '&c&lOP Item' ##The OP item name to be displayed in the GUI Lore: ##The lore of the OP item to be displayed in the GUI - '&aThis OP item will be' - '&ashown to any players' - '&ain OP mode' Enchant: ##The enchantment to be put on the OP item (Format: ;) - DURABILITY;1 - DAMAGE_ALL;2 ConsoleCommands: ##The console commands to be executed when clicked (Use %PLAYER% for players name) - deop %PLAYER% - pex user %PLAYER% remove example.permission.1 - pex user %PLAYER% group remove B - xp set %PLAYER% 0 PlayerCommands: ##The player commands to be executed when clicked - spawn [RIGHT-CLICK] CommandsCost: 0 ##The cost to execute the OP commands (Set Ò0Ó to make the commands free) PlayerMessages: ##The messages to be sent to the player when clicked - '&bYou are no longer OP' BroadcastMessages: ##The messages to be sent globally when clicked - '&a%PLAYER% clicked the OP Item!' ClickSound: LEVEL_UP ##The sound to be played once the player clicks the item SendToServer: null ##Send a player to the specified server on a Bungee network CloseOnClick: true ##If you want the GUI to close when the item is clicked #-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-# PermissionItem: Permission: example.permission.1 ##The permission required for the player to see the permission item Item: DIAMOND;3;0 ##The permission item that will be used in the GUI (Format: ;;) Name: '&b&lPermission Item' ##The permission item name to be displayed in the GUI Lore: ##The lore of the permission item to be displayed in the GUI - '&aThis permission item will' - '&abe shown if the player has' - '&athe config defined permission' - '&eYou need $%COMMANDSCOST% to use this item' Enchant: ##The enchantment to be put on the permission item (Format: ;) - DURABILITY;1 ConsoleCommands: ##The console commands to be executed when clicked (Use %PLAYER% for players name) - fly %PLAYER% - op %PLAYER% [LEFT-CLICK] PlayerCommands: ##The player commands to be executed when clicked - spawn CommandsCost: 1000 ##The cost to execute the permission commands (Set Ò0Ó to make the commands free) PlayerMessages: ##The messages to be sent to the player when clicked - '&b$1000 has been deducted from your account' BroadcastMessages: ##The messages to be sent globally when clicked - '&a%PLAYER% clicked the Permission Item!' ClickSound: LEVEL_UP ##The sound to be played once the player clicks the item SendToServer: null ##Send a player to the specified server on a Bungee network CloseOnClick: true ##If you want the GUI to close when the item is clicked #-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-# BalanceItem: Balance: 1000 ##The player balance (Economy) required for the balance item to display Item: GOLD_INGOT;2;0 ##The balance item that will be used in the GUI (Format: ;;) Name: '&7&lBalance Item' ##The balance item name to be displayed in the GUI Lore: ##The lore of the balance item to be displayed in the GUI - '&aThis balance item will' - '&abe shown if the player has' - '&athe config defined balance' - '&6Current Balance: %BALANCE%' - '&eYou need $%COMMANDSCOST% to use this item' Enchant: ##The enchantment to be put on the balance item (Format: ;) - DURABILITY;1 ConsoleCommands: ##The console commands to be executed when clicked (Use %PLAYER% for players name) - pex user %PLAYER% add example.permission.1 PlayerCommands: ##The player commands to be executed when clicked - spawn CommandsCost: 1000 ##The cost to execute the balance commands (Set Ò0Ó to make the commands free) PlayerMessages: ##The messages to be sent to the player when clicked - '&b$1000 has been deducted from your account' BroadcastMessages: ##The messages to be sent globally when clicked - '&a%PLAYER% clicked the Balance Item!' SendToServer: null ##Send a player to the specified server on a Bungee network ClickSound: LEVEL_UP ##The sound to be played once the player clicks the item CloseOnClick: true ##If you want the GUI to close when the item is clicked #-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-# EXPItem: Level: 10 ##The player EXP level required for the EXP item to display Item: IRON_INGOT;1;0 ##The EXP item that will be used in the GUI (Format: ;;) Name: '&e&lEXP Item' ##The EXP item name to be displayed in the GUI Lore: ##The lore of the EXP item to be displayed in the GUI - '&aThis EXP item will' - '&abe shown if the player has' - '&athe config defined EXP' - '&6Current Level: %PLAYERLEVEL%' Enchant: [] ##The enchantment to be put on the EXP item (Format: ;) ConsoleCommands: ##The console commands to be executed when clicked (Use %PLAYER% for players name) - eco give %PLAYER% 2000 PlayerCommands: ##The player commands to be executed when clicked - spawn CommandsCost: 0 ##The cost to execute the EXP commands (Set Ò0Ó to make the commands free) PlayerMessages: ##The messages to be sent to the player when clicked - null BroadcastMessages: ##The messages to be sent globally when clicked - '&a%PLAYER% clicked the EXP Item!' SendToServer: null ##Send a player to the specified server on a Bungee network ClickSound: LEVEL_UP ##The sound to be played once the player clicks the item CloseOnClick: true ##If you want the GUI to close when the item is clicked #-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-# DefaultItem: Item: COAL;0;0 ##The default item that will be used in the GUI (Format: ;;) Name: '&8&lDefault' ##The default item name to be displayed in the GUI Lore: ##The lore of the default item to be displayed in the GUI - '&aThis default item will' - '&abe shown if the player does' - '&anot meet any of the other item' - '&adisplay requirements.' Enchant: [] ##The enchantment to be put on the EXP item (Format: ;) ConsoleCommands: ##The console commands to be executed when clicked (Use %PLAYER% for players name) - xp give %PLAYER% 160 PlayerCommands: ##The player commands to be executed when clicked - spawn CommandsCost: 0 ##The cost to execute the default commands (Set Ò0Ó to make the commands free) PlayerMessages: ##The messages to be sent to the player when clicked - null BroadcastMessages: ##The messages to be sent globally when clicked - '&a%PLAYER% clicked the Default Item!' SendToServer: null ##Send a player to the specified server on a Bungee network ClickSound: LEVEL_UP ##The sound to be played once the player clicks the item CloseOnClick: true ##If you want the GUI to close when the item is clicked #-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-# #-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-#