From 7ef86463f59f87d781cd3da9826ebcb129694971 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: j502647092 Date: Fri, 29 May 2015 23:31:45 +0800 Subject: [PATCH] update Chinese language file... Signed-off-by: j502647092 --- src/languagefiles/Chinese.yml | 86 +++++++++++++++++------------------ 1 file changed, 43 insertions(+), 43 deletions(-) diff --git a/src/languagefiles/Chinese.yml b/src/languagefiles/Chinese.yml index d6d474f..9ed69f9 100644 --- a/src/languagefiles/Chinese.yml +++ b/src/languagefiles/Chinese.yml @@ -247,83 +247,83 @@ Language: HelpLinesPerPage: 7 CommandHelp: #this is just a holder node, that holds the entire help - Description: 领地插件相关帮助 - 汉化 By: 喵♂呜 + Description: '领地插件相关帮助 - 汉化 By: 喵♂呜' SubCommands: #this is the actual beginning of all commands res: #main residence command - Description: 领地插件相关帮助 + Description: '领地插件相关帮助 - 汉化 By: 喵♂呜' Info: - '如果有疑问在这里找不到,欢迎访问Wiki' - '地址 (英文)' - '输入/[命令] ? <页面>获得更多信息' SubCommands: select: #selection commands - Description: 选区命令 + Description: '选区命令' Info: - '选择此命令的使用范围领地.' - '/res select [x] [y] [z] - 选择一个区块在中间, 你的半径.' SubCommands: coords: - Description: 显示选定的坐标 + Description: '显示选定的坐标.' Info: - 'Usage: /res select coords' size: - Description: 显示选定的领地大小 + Description: '显示选定的领地大小.' Info: - 'Usage: /res select size' cost: - Description: 显示选定的领地需缴纳金 + Description: '显示选定的领地需缴纳金.' Info: - 'Usage: /res select cost' vert: - Description: 调整选区至最大允许值 + Description: '调整选区至最大允许值.' Info: - 'Usage: /res select vert' - 'Will expand selection as high and as low as allowed.' sky: - Description: 调整选区到最大高度 + Description: '调整选区到最大高度.' Info: - 'Usage: /res select sky' - 'Expands as high as your allowed to go.' bedrock: - Description: 调整选区到基岩底层 + Description: '调整选区到基岩底层.' Info: - 'Usage: /res select bedrock' - 'Expands as low as your allowed to go.' expand: - Description: Expand selection in a direction. + Description: 'Expand selection in a direction.' Info: - 'Usage: /res select expand ' - 'Expands in the direction your looking.' shift: - Description: Shift selection in a direction + Description: 'Shift selection in a direction' Info: - 'Usage: /res select shift ' - 'Pushes your selection by in the direction your looking.' chunk: - Description: 选取你所在的Chunk区域. + Description: '选取你所在的Chunk区域.' Info: - 'Usage: /res select chunk' - 'Selects the chunk your currently standing in.' residence: - Description: Select a existing area in a residence. + Description: 'Select a existing area in a residence.' Info: - 'Usage /res select ' - 'Selects a existing area in a residence.' worldedit: - Description: 设置选区为WorldEdit的已选择区域. + Description: '设置选区为WorldEdit的已选择区域.' Info: - 'Usage /res select worldedit' - 'Sets selection area using the current WorldEdit selection.' create: #creation command - Description: 创建领地 + Description: '创建领地' Info: - Usage: '/res create <领地名字>' remove: #remove command - Description: 删除领地 + Description: '删除领地' Info: - 'Usage: /res remove <领地名字>' removeall: - Description: 删除某位玩家所属的全部领地 + Description: '删除某位玩家所属的全部领地.' Info: - 'Usage: /res removeall [owner]' - 'Removes all residences owned by a specific player.' @@ -332,7 +332,7 @@ CommandHelp: #this is just a holder node, that holds the entire help - 'Usage: /res confirm' - '确认你要删除某个领地' subzone: - Description: 在某个领地里创建附属领地 + Description: '在某个领地里创建附属领地.' Info: - 'Usage: /res subzone <领地名> [附属领地名]' - '如果领地名为空,那么将以你所在的领地为主' @@ -363,28 +363,28 @@ CommandHelp: #this is just a holder node, that holds the entire help - You must first select two points first. - Replacing a area will charge the difference in size if the new area is bigger. info: - Description: 显示某个领地的信息 + Description: '显示某个领地的信息.' Info: - Usage: /res info <领地名> - 如果领地名为空,将以你所处的领地为主 limits: - Description: 显示领地功能限制 + Description: 显示领地功能限制. Info: - Usage: /res limits - - 显示你在创建或管理领地时对部分功能的限制 + - 显示你在创建或管理领地时对部分功能的限制. message: - Description: 设置领地进入/离开信息 + Description: 设置领地进入/离开信息. Info: - - Usage: /res message <领地名> [enter/leave] [信息] - - 设置某个领地的进入/离开信息 - - Usage: /res message <领地名> remove [enter/leave] - - 删除某个领地的进入/离开信息 + - 'Usage: /res message <领地名> [enter/leave] [信息]' + - '设置某个领地的进入/离开信息.' + - 'Usage: /res message <领地名> remove [enter/leave]' + - '删除某个领地的进入/离开信息.' lease: - Description: 管理领地的出租 + Description: '管理领地的出租.' Info: - - Usage: /res lease [renew/cost] [residence] - - /res lease cost will show the cost of renewing a residence lease. - - /res lease renew will renew the residence provided you have enough money. + - 'Usage: /res lease [renew/cost] [residence].' + - '/res lease cost will show the cost of renewing a residence lease.' + - '/res lease renew will renew the residence provided you have enough money.' SubCommands: set: Description: Set the lease time (admin only) @@ -392,43 +392,43 @@ CommandHelp: #this is just a holder node, that holds the entire help - Usage: /resadmin lease set [residence] [#days/infinite] - Sets the lease time to a specified number of days, or infinite. bank: - Description: 管理领地的金钱 + Description: '管理领地的金钱.' Info: - - Usage: /res bank [deposit/withdraw] [amount] - - You must be standing in a Residence - - You must have the +bank flag. + - 'Usage: /res bank [deposit/withdraw] [amount]' + - 'You must be standing in a Residence' + - 'You must have the +bank flag.' tp: - Description: 传送到某个领地 + Description: '传送到某个领地.' Info: - - Usage: /res tp [领地名] - - 将你传送到某个领地,前提对应领地允许传送或你是对应领地的主人 - - Your permission group must also be allowed to teleport by the server admin. + - 'Usage: /res tp [领地名].' + - '将你传送到某个领地,前提对应领地允许传送或你是对应领地的主人.' + - 'Your permission group must also be allowed to teleport by the server admin.' tpset: - Description: 设置某个领地的传送目标 + Description: '设置某个领地的传送目标.' Info: - Usage: /res tpset - This will set the teleport location for a residence to where your standing. - You must be standing in the residence to use this command. - You must also be the owner or have the +admin flag for the residence. set: - Description: 设置领地的全局属性 + Description: '设置领地的全局属性.' Info: - Usage: /res set [flag] [true/false/remove] - To see a list of flags, use /res flags ? - These flags apply to any players who do not have the flag applied specifically to them. (see /res pset ?) pset: - Description: 设置某个人的领地属性. + Description: '设置某个人的领地属性.' Info: - Usage: /res pset [player] [flag] [true/false/remove] - Usage: /res pset [player] removeall - To see a list of flags, use /res flags ? gset: - Description: 设置某个组的领地属性. + Description: '设置某个组的领地属性.' Info: - Usage: /res gset [group] [flag] [true/false/remove] - To see a list of flags, use /res flags ? lset: - Description: 改变黑名单和忽略列表 + Description: '改变黑名单和忽略列表.' Info: - Usage: /res lset [blacklist/ignorelist] [material] - Usage: /res lset info